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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sen. John Tower Murder Conspiracy: How Poppy Bush, Brent Sowcroft & John Brennan fit in

Although they were both Republican politicians from Texas, Senator John Tower and President George H. W. Bush became bitter rivals. Documents discovered in the Central Intelligence Agency’s archives point to Bush and his allies within the CIA being upset with Tower over his findings as the chairman of the Tower Commission, named to investigate the culprits behind the Iran-contra scandal. The information gleaned by Tower may have also resulted in his and his daughter’s 1991 death in an airplane crash in Georgia.

In November 1986, President Reagan named Tower, who had declined to run for re-election in 1986, to chair the “President’s Special Review Board” on the actions of the National Security Council and its staff during the Iran-contra affair. The Tower Commission, as it was known, discovered, as did Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, that Vice President George Bush was a central figure in the scandal. Bush ensured he had his own plant installed on the Tower Commission, former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, who would hold the same office in the George H. W. Bush presidency. The third commission member was former Secretary of State Edmund Muskie.

In 1989, Bush nominated Tower to be his Secretary of Defense. However, the Senate rejected their former colleague in a 47-53 vote. The last Senate rejection of a Cabinet nominee was in 1959. It later became known that it was Bush, who, via articles and statements by the vitriolic conservative rabble rouser Paul Weyrich, leaked rumors of Tower’s “womanizing” and problems with alcohol in order to publicly humiliate Tower. The bad press resulted in Tower’s embarrassing rejection by the Senate. In other words, Bush set Tower up for a very public fall. It was retaliation for Tower’s probing of Bush’s central involvement in Iran-contra. And Tower’s rejection opened the door for Dick Cheney to become Secretary of Defense.



  1. dark majesty read it, the bushes are far from innocent.

  2. Yep, I sure would believe that Bush had his hand in it all. He also had his hand in JFK's murder as it was a picture of him, younger of course, standing at the library door on the day JFK was murdered. Bush worked for the CIA at that time.
    Mr. Tower, his daughter and all of the other people on that flight seem to have been murdered as well.

  3. Bush's & Clintons both are dirty. From JFK to 911, drugs killing are young people. Scum really.

  4. Reagan...LOL I can't believe people fell for that .

  5. Kurt Smolek and Seth Rich. Clinton syndicate victims. Look it up.


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