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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Roger Stone: Barbara Bush a Mean Spirited, Nasty and Entitled Woman Who Lied About Me

Over the past few days, lots of drama has come out of Susan Page’s book featuring Bush’s personal diaries. Aside from people like Adolf Hitler, political leaders and their families are generally remembered favorably or at least with kindness following their expiration from this earthly realm.

In the age of Trump Derangement Syndrome, it has been bizarre to see how the mainstream media and their political counterparts have relentlessly lionized the Bush family after years of rightfully trashing them as the war mongering psychopaths that they are.

Since it was revealed that Barbara Bush kept a countdown clock in her bedroom to mark the end of the Trump presidency and wrote in her son Jeb, President Trump has acknowledged that she was right to be “nasty” to him… considering what “he did to her sons.” Of course, nobody can forget how brutal and beautiful it was to see Donald Trump defeat “low-energy” Jeb. If she has a right to be nasty to other people, we have the right to be as painfully honest right back at her.



  1. read dark majesty and you will see how evil the bush clan really is..

  2. Umm I'm sure everyone on this site voted for 41 and 43.

  3. 8:26 you're probably right...I did, BUT truly didn't know at the time about the Evil Bush Dynasty...I do remember when Bush 1 was running on the Ticket with Reagan; Pat Robertson told us to keep an eye on Bush 1...I think he might have known something, but didn't want to reveal it. YES; the Bush Family is Very Bad.

  4. 8:26- I can state w/ 100% certainty that assumption is entirely inaccurate. Myself being the proof of your LIE.

  5. She also contemplated suicide after George was found out screwing his female aid. Oh I forgot, can't tell the truth about the rich and privileged.

  6. Maybe so, but I bet everyone didn't vote for 44.

  7. 8:26:But none of us voted for Barbara.

  8. 8:26 ummmmm I'm sure you voted for Bill Clinton screwing & abusing 3 women while in the White House. Don't forget that Bill also took 26 flights to Jeff Epstein's island to feel up under aged girls. I'm sure you also voted for racist Obummer & that's according to his own brother and his sisters video. ummmmmmm you must be an ignorant dumbocrap.

  9. Not only did you all vote for 41 and 43, you voted for them TWICE

  10. 5:42 And how would you know who voted for who? I didn’t. So your statement is a lie. But I’d be willing to bet you voted for Obummer twice😏

  11. Since she's been dead, a lot of truth has come out about the former first lady. She wasn't a very nice person to those around her. She was one who felt entitled, and was one of those wealthy people that give wealthy people a bad name. Sorry G.W., she's not the saint you claim her to be.


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