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Monday, April 22, 2019

UPDATED Reported Armed Robbery Near Park In Delmar

We have spoken to the police and they stated that this was a burglary and assault at a home near the park. Weapons were involved.  Suspect is in custody and the stolen weapons were recovered.


  1. So is this the same April Dennis that reported back on April 12 that some teenage girl tried to kidnap her son at the salisbury zoo. Funny how she seems to always be at the middle of an alleged crime. Hmmmmmm!

    1. I'm not sure but you are not anonymous if you break the law in your post. Your imei number and ip can be traced I think I don't know for sure. Goodluck.

  2. So is this the same Ms Dennis that reported back on April 12 that some teenage girl tried to kidnap her son at the salisbury zoo.

  3. 7:03
    It says her name is Helen not April

  4. I see a wolf in her future. Think she needs to visit a mental health clinic.

  5. So everybody is f-ing lying.

  6. So noted. Helen not April. My apologies

  7. She doesn't sound very coherent.

  8. This really happened. You're an idiot.

  9. Different Dennis...read the post!

  10. Check those serial numbers, they might be mine.

  11. if they are yours 9:50 am, Delaware wants to charge you for a crime according to the new proposal,

  12. So you go from it is a false report to you might get charges if it is your gun. WTF people what about the elderly lady is she ok. Who was the suspect. Entering a home and stealing with force is more than a burglary it is a home invasion and robbery. I see people walking the streets of Delmar all hours of the night. Maybe the officers need to get out and actually do a little freaking work. Less traffic and more police work. Our town is turning into a crap hole like Slumsbary. Only thing missing is that little pile of crap Jake Day.

  13. @942 pm. She will be okay. She was beaten pretty bad. Broken bones in her hand and tons of stitches to her head and face. She is in her 80s. Thank you for being the only one who cared to ask.

  14. I do not know who the coward was that did this but I have a home for him in the woods behind my house. He will get an eternity of rest. Sad live that long on earth and have this on your mind. The bones may heal but her mind will struggle. God Bless her and forgive me lord because i could snuff this turd out and sleep like a baby.


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