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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Police: Men attack, rob African immigrant for wearing MAGA baseball hat

GERMANTOWN, Md. (ABC7) — Two men have been charged with the Germantown assault and robbery of a man who says they questioned him about his red Make America Great Again hat before hitting him and taking his belongings.

The victim, an immigrant from Togo, says that when the men approached him, he told them he was entitled to his views and walked away. At that point, the suspects are accused of striking the man until he fell to the ground, telling him to take the hat off.

Then, the victim says, they tried to take his phone, took some of his other belongings and destroyed several items of value.

The men charged are Jovan Crawford, 27, and Scott Duncan Robertson, 25. Both are charged with second degree assault, robbery, attempted theft, conspiracy to commit robbery and malicious destruction of property. They could face up to 10 years in prison on those charges.



  1. Sorry excuses for men.

  2. Togo? The country in west Africa. The continent that Trump called a $hithole?

    1. 9:26- Trump did not call the entire continent of Africa a shithole. What's your point anyway?

  3. They were gonna rob him anyway. The hat was icing on their cake.

  4. I do hope they serve a good amount of time.

  5. 9:26 indeed. Just goes to show how often Trumpanzees go against their own interests.

    1. eat the opportunistic poo hahahahahaha

    2. 9:45- Exactly how does this post show supporters of our president, "going against their own interests." We do it often? How so? Are you stupid or something? You need to step up your Trolling game, cause you're coming off as incredibly ignorant.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Poor victim probably just though it was a cool red hat. Didn’t know it was a universal sign that triggers hate and violence in Marxist democrats and their manipulated, misguided followers.

  7. 9:26, 9:45. Talking to yourself snowflake?

    1. 10:45- How is that an appropriate response? I'm obviously talking to you. I know you can't come up with anything to back your moronic statement, hence the name calling. Why don't one of you idiots back up your statements with one fact for once. JUST ONE! How am going against my own interests? What does that even mean? If I was talking to myself, why are you answering with an even dumber post then your last one? Prove yourself. Don't be an idiot. Snowflake? PLEASE! If that were true, I never would have called your sorry ass out!

  8. Love the photos of the two assailants, both with the "dindonuthin'" expressions on their faces.

  9. throw the book at these two IDIOTS!!!
    make an example out of them!

  10. Set another place at the table for the next WH dinner.

  11. Hopeful Democratic candidates for the House of Judicial Affairs seats.

  12. "Anonymous said...

    Togo? The country in west Africa. The continent that Trump called a $hithole?

    April 16, 2019 at 9:26 AM"

    You people are a special kind of stupid. While President Trump didn't name specific countries Togo does happen to be a $hithole and that is probably why the man is here. Duh!!!! Most African countries are $shitholes. That's the problem with you people. You never get off the shore and your parents could care less about truly educating their children----- so you people are very very very low information---- if they did you would know all about African countries. Now let ME educate you-Togo along with most other African countries are $shitholes. To deny only proves your ignorance and stupidity. Most are lawless, violent and unstable because of politics and poverty. Togo happens to be one of the poorest countries in the world so yes it is a $hithole. President Trump tells the truth and you people hate hearing the truth. This is one of your many difficulties.

  13. "Anonymous said...

    9:26 indeed. Just goes to show how often Trumpanzees go against their own interests.

    April 16, 2019 at 9:45 AMk"

    No one is going against their own interest. That is the problem with you people. You don't think before you speak and your ignorance shows. Unlike you people President Trump supporters are against violence. It's you democrats who are inherently violent and homicidal. All of you. Don't even dare try to deny. Look at Baltimore Chicago Detroit and this attack. You can bet none of the murderers are Trump supporters. You people are very bad people and are the only case for abortion. Whatever raises filth like you isn't a parent. Just a hoe gross leg spreader and a nasty humper sperm inserter who should have abortions because animals are more civilized and parent better. YOu people are primal

  14. 3:27- Hold up. Please don't go lumping the rest of us with this idiot. I'm from the shore, but have ventured to all four corners, and in between, and two other continents. Each time I love coming home, and it's not because of people like that! Ignorance is everywhere. It is up to us to call it out, but don't get sucked into their hate with broad generalizations of your fellow people. Not preaching to you, so please don't take it as that. I left the comments at 10:14 and 1:11 for your reference. Other wise, you're right on!

    1. You never left crisfield.

    2. 6:34 I don’t know if 5:38 ever left Crisfield but I do know you never left your ignorance.

    3. 6:38-I posted at 5:38. Not from Somerset county. Born in Nassawadox, lived in Bloxom, moved to Pocomoke, Salisbury, Bel Air, Greenbackville, Stockton, Girdletree, Charlottesville, Hernando Beach, Anchorage, etc. Never lived in Crisfield. Not that it matters. Better people than you, for certain!

    4. 6:34- And you were never excused from juvenile detention out of Dundalk. Please tell me how I'm wrong! Come on! Just give me a reason why I'm wrong! You can't! You can only prove my point how stupid you idiots are. Come on! Instead of being bigots, comment on the actual post! I'm sure you can't, being triggered idiots!

  15. 6:34- You're presumed intellectual authority over the entire population of a zip code shows you're incredible ignorance. No other argument is necessary to show what an idiot you are.

  16. I wish I could understand how the trolls on this site think they are one-upping Joe's loyal readers. In the end we always expose those idiots for what they are. Hate mongers, morons, Liars. I really wish they could offer an honest debate, but they can't. They are complete idiots. No reason, no facts, no respect for the facts. Nothing but drummed up hate, lies, bigotry, discrimination. This is the wrong site to recruit idiots. I would suggest leaving comments with CNN. Oh wait, you can't. It's because they know they are lying constantly, so you can't leave remarks.


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