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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Pelosi: Trump’s Sanctuary City Proposal Is ‘Unworthy of the Presidency of the United States’

Friday in Leesburg, VA at the House Democrat Caucus Retreat closing press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reacted to reports that the Trump administration considered a plan to release detained immigrants into “sanctuary cities.”

Pelosi said, “I do not know anything about it, but again, it is another notion that is unworthy of the presidency of the United States and the disrespect for the challenges we face as a country and people to address who we are, a nation of immigrants.”

More here


  1. Close all border crossings but California. Tell the illegals if they are caught outside of California that they will be deported permanently.

  2. This is the very example why I can’t stand listening to Democrats. They announce that they’ve declared their state and or city a Sanctuary for illegal aliens. “Come to our state, come to our city and we’ll feed you, give you affordable housing, a welfare check, you can even sign up for a free college education”. THEN when Trump says, “ That’s cool, I’ll load them up in buses (so the don’t have to endure the agony of walking from the border to your welcoming Sanctuary city) and deliver them to your Sanctuary city. That’s when those POS Democrats trash mouth our President for doing exactly what the Democrats wanted in the first place. Democrats are all a bunch of god damn lies.

    One final rant. I’m dealing with a sister and cousins who are hard core Democrats and hate, Hate, HATE Trump and make for mind or apology for saying it, posting it on Facebook, whatever. It’s growing to a point where I don’t like spending time with them anymore. I mentioned this to my sister several months ago and she turned her head and said nothing. I was shocked.

    A sad state of affairs.

  3. Hmmm..... you can almost hear Pelosi thinking to herself, "Not in my neighborhood" - shrewd move by POTUS....will be interesting to see how it turns out

  4. 12:05 I hear you. I'm in somewhat the same kind of situation. I take comfort in things like the overwhelming numbers of attendees at the Trump rallies. I take comfort in knowing there are people in hig positions who are working to keep things honest. And finally those who want to retake our country and it's values back must pay attention to who's doing what and vote, vote, vote.
    Don't let them win.

  5. The communist that call themselves democrats, refused day after day to step up to Trumps level and do whats best for this country. NOW he's stepping down to their level. I hope they build cardboard tents in your front yard.

  6. Trump trolled them once again

  7. Poor Nancy'll have to add another six feet onto the wall around her estate.

  8. I think it's a fantastic idea, those liberal lunatics are all for illegals so give them to their cities!

  9. I love how Trump takes their agendas, adds a cup of logic, then serves it right back to them on a silver platter! Then we all get to see their heads explode!

    1. So true

      we live in awesome times

  10. Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that dollars that should go to help needy American citizens are diverted to illegals. Illegals are robbing needy Americans of financial assistance.


  11. I like the idea; meshes well with the notion of 'You reap what you sow.'

  12. Just remember Maryland is alao a sanctuary state. Even though I agree with our President, hope he is more specific and sends illegals to the cities where all the demons live, and as close to the dems as they can get. Like outside their gated communities and walls.

    1. the poor poor immigrant people will be dropped off in Baltimore

    2. Yeah, wouldn't that be ironic? Haha

  13. I think he’s done this simply to get the liberal left on the record, backpedaling all the way. Now all of a sudden you see the prominent Democrats coming on record on it. Of course, once you truck all of those at the border into sanctuary cities, then you have to absorb all of the issues that come with the situation.

    1. REMEMBER THE ALAMOApril 13, 2019 at 8:08 PM



  14. And Pelosi is unworthy of the Speaker of the House and should give it up and go home, in her sanctuary state, and rock in her rocker, and watch all the illegals outside of her estate gate walking by, or maybe climbing over (wouldn't that be wonderful).

  15. Shove them All right up the Sanctuary cities Butts

    & make THEM, Not anyone else , PAY for All of it !!!! LOL

  16. Does anyone here know what a sanctuary city is?


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