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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Pelosi Is Hijacking the Civil Rights Movement to Force LGBT Ideology on Kids

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

Those aren’t just hollow words. Those words birthed a nation unlike any other and inspired its leaders and soldiers to give their very lives in the most sacred of blood oaths to uphold truth.

Those words sustained a country during its deepest sin and gave us the framework to begin anew. Those words are just as true today as they were when the great American experiment began.

Our nation has a rich history of fighting for equal rights for all.



  1. The mentally ill already have enough sustainable rights. There's no need to parade around exploiting such sickness

  2. Kids don't think things are weird until you teach them that they are.

  3. And it's not going to stop until there is bloodshed!

    1. We patriots can't wait until that day tick tock libs.

  4. Wow 9:45 how pro-eugenics of you

  5. I agree with 9:45, after all, they were able to post on this blog! That's a good enough example of the mentally ill sustaining their rights to me.

  6. 9:45 wait until they try to ban big, jacked up, overcompensating pickups :)

  7. 10:42 how are we supposed to know how cool he is?!

  8. @10:42 thanks for helping me win a bet on how shallow you are and easily manipulated by a simple post on social media. Let me guess your a big fan of the show "I am jazz"

  9. @10:42 don't worry Omar will have all the females in this country lined up for castration soon enough

  10. we see the results of the marxist seeds planted in our schools now they want to go further and instill anti GOD untruths lies and deception of the real truth..GOD made man in his own image.

  11. Enough. If you are gay so what - just don't flaught it. We don't care. You deserve no special attention. You are not special. If the laws say you xacan marry me that's the law. Live with it. Enough


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