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Monday, April 08, 2019

Parents Outraged After Student Claims Teacher Banned Her From Picking Trump as ‘Hero’ for Project, Allows Obama

Some parents in Lake Ronkomkoma, New York were outraged when their daughter was allegedly forbidden from choosing President Donald Trump as her hero for a class project while another student was allowed to choose former President Barack Obama.

According to a report from Long Island News 12, sixth graders at Samoset Middle School were assigned a class project to choose one figure they looked up to as a hero. The students would then write up a report on why they believed the person they chose was a heroic figure.

Bella Moscato told her teacher that she wanted to do her report on the president, but she alleges that she wasn’t met with the same support other students received. She claims the teacher barred her from choosing President Trump for the project in front of her classmates and told her to find a new hero.



  1. the new age of education agenda allows only luciferian marxist idealogies

  2. The problem is quite simple. People mistakenly still believe that"teachers" are educators. They are not. They are indoctrinators. In the future do not be surprised if the second job will be reporting you to the "authorities". Read your history.

  3. This coming Saturday they're having the Annual Spring Egg Hunt at the nearby state park. No mention of Easter.
    Population 20,000+, 89.6% white, average income $60,000+. Very, very Democrat.

  4. What a nice school and nice teacher prejudice much! Racist perhaps too, don't you want to enroll your kids there? The school board there and Education dept should shut them down.

  5. I told you the indoctrination starts in pre-school.
    Many conservatives have trouble understanding why liberal think the way they do and why so many are around academia. The group-think does not allow for outsiders voicing their opinions, so the black hole keeps getting bigger, sucking in more unsuspecting people who have trouble thinking on their own.

  6. 11:59 AM no that will be left up to the Pastors and people who run churches!!!! But I will include them as well, because really who cares what their profession is, they will narc on you like white is on rice...

    Let's take NEW YORK for instance... They just pass an anti-drivers law for congestion... Yes a tax for the roads being congested, get that??? Just as Stupid as MD for taxing rain right??? And guess who was behind this push???? Uber and Lyft... They think you will use them over driving or anything else becasue you will be taxed... But they fail to let you know your prices will go up for their service to cover this tax, unless they are exempt which I bet they are... But the point here is, they are paying people to turn you in, so if yuor car is sitting idle for a few minutes, someone can call in and narc on you and they will get you a fine and they will receive a tank you check... Someone said they turned in over 100 people and got like 9k for it... This is how it will go from here on out...

    I mean also take Roanoke Virginia or what ever county that is, they just passed a law that says you will get fined and searched by cops if they catch you napping in your car... But rather you be tired and have drunk like symptoms and maybe hurt someone anyway... Right here shows no one gives a god damn about you or your safety...


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