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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez claims there's 'so much' to impeach Trump on


  1. How much tax payer money are they wasting on this crap?

  2. She needs to listen to Palosi, she said there is not enough certain things to do it.

  3. And.....there's so much more to get rid of her

  4. this is so funny...where did she come from, what does she eat, where was she indoctrinated, pitiful...

  5. Ha ha, dream on dreamer!

  6. Who else is paying this bad actress? It must be big bucks for someone to put a permanent stain on their own reputation.

  7. And yet, she cannot name just one...

  8. SO Much to IMPEACH HER ON !!!! Dugh

  9. Let's ask Maxine the same question.

  10. But seriously,do people like her run their course like they used to in my day?There was a time when idiots like her just burnt themselves out naturally and one day they were gone.Now they just linger on and on,which says a lot about society in general.

  11. I voted for Trump, and I'll most likely vote for him again if he can just shut up and run the country while leaving twitter alone. He and Elon Musk are both out of control with the tweets.

  12. There's nothing my dear

  13. Cortex needs to be thrown out, fired, impeached whatever it takes. The morons that voted for her sure didn't get their moneys worth, when did she have that lobotomy?

  14. I'm sure her constituents that elected her are thinking the same thing, ABOUT HER!

  15. She will be OUT next election , don't worry !!!! LOL

  16. And she's done what for her constituents, except for losing tens of thousands of jobs that were in the bag for them, until they elected her? If they re-elect her, they deserve what they get, or don't get. Then again, they elected the carpetbagger Hillary Clinton to be their senator to Congress. I don't think New Yorkers are too bright politically. I don't know why anyone would want to live in NY. At least California has nice weather. Downstate NY has too many people AND bad weather. No wonder they are mad all the time.

  17. Let's just sit back and let this cluster pass.They're getting far too much attention.


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