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Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Nielsen: US Rushing Officers to Mexico Border

The Trump administration will speed up the deployment of hundreds of officers on the southern border of the United States and will dramatically expand a policy of returning migrants seeking asylum to Mexico, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said on Monday.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency first announced the redeployment of 750 officers to process a surge of migrant families entering the United States last week.

In a written statement, Nielsen said she had ordered CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan to undertake "emergency surge operations" and immediately speed up the reassignment.

CBP also has the authority to raise the number of redeployed personnel past 750, and will notify Nielsen if they plan to reassign more than 2,000 officers.

The agency will also "immediately expand" a policy to return Central American migrants to Mexico as they wait for their asylum claims to be heard by "hundreds of additional migrants per day above current rates," Nielsen said.

That would be a dramatic expansion of the policy, dubbed the Migrant Protection Protocols, put in place in January. As of March 26, approximately 370 migrants had been returned to Mexico, a Mexican official told Reuters last week.

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  1. In most countries around the world, if they were to be invaded by another country it would be called "WAR"! But the Dems don't even see this situation as an emergency. How much more ignorant can the Dems get?

  2. Thousands come across every day and they have returned 370, something's not right.

  3. Lock and load, this is an invasion, plain and simple. Defend our borders with deadly force.

  4. REMEMBER THE ALAMOApril 2, 2019 at 3:36 PM

    take Machine Guns..


    Hold your fire .....

  5. Hell, Better RUSH the Military to the Border !!!!

  6. Put a Mine field there instead of fence / wall !!!!! Solved

  7. Put the Military on the Border with no restrictions on stopping the invasion before they reach US soil. Use gas, dogs and high pitch noise grenades. If they still reach US soil, then charge them with child abuse and lock them up and then return all back to Mexico.


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