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Thursday, April 25, 2019

'Mother of all caravans' heads north: 10K migrants due in Mexico City any day

A massive caravan of approximately 10,000 migrants traveling through Mexico in hopes of reaching the United States is expected to arrive in Mexico City this week, according to local media reports on the group's movements.

The group has been described by Mexico's Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez Cordero as "caravana madre," which has been widely referred to as the "mother of all caravans" in American media.

Around 90 people embarked from El Salvador the last week of March then crossed into Guatemala and then into Mexico. By March 29, Sanchez said the group was expected to exceed 20,000 members. Although the caravan is roughly half that size currently, it has been reported as one of the most diverse groups because in addition to Central Americans, it is made up of people from Cuba, Haiti, and Africa.



  1. We could have already since 2016 have had the wall built if it wasn't for all the Dreamers who believe their is no problem. I wish these 10,000 could appear on the doorsteps of those that have blocked the wall. Let them have their properties destroyed by immigrants crossing, rapists, murderers not to mention just wanting handouts because we can't employ and house them all. They're are also other things the Dreamers never think of health care they will all want, schools, a free lifestyle and all the Dems think of is they can sneak them into voting and getting rid of Trump. If this happens it will effect us for decades!

    1. If you think a wall would have been built aince 2016 you are #1 smokin some good stuff to think out gov can build anything that fast and #2 a buffoon for not clearly reading the timelines on this topic that are readily available. Inform yourself before commenting further.

  2. Plenty more where they come from. Enjoy the hosting, sanctuary cities.

  3. Break out the live ammo
    Time to take kid gloves off
    Take back our country
    Put all the Congress on the front line
    They are oblivious sitting in their offices

    1. Civil Snowflake war is coming.

    2. 5:29 all you can say is civil war is coming yet you do nothing. Seriously, put some thought into your post!

  4. We need the military securing our borders. End of story. Time to make America great again.

  5. Agree totally and completely with 3:14 PM.


  6. A very simple way to get rid of these people is to NOT give them food stamps, welfare, housing and they will leave. This is the promised land and they want in. Cut it out! Cut this for illegals also. No more money. I am tired of supporting them!!! They need to go to their home and work on their country not tear down ours.

    1. Sure dude. They are here just to soak up welfare while simultaneously taking your jobs. LOL

  7. Enforce existing laws but eliminate the loopholes.


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