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Sunday, April 07, 2019

More than 750,000 could lose food stamps under Trump proposal

The White House's plans for food stamps could cost more than 750,000 people their benefits, and most of these folks are among the poorest of the poor.

The administration wants to make more Americans work for their food stamps by limiting states' ability to seek waivers from the current employment requirement. More than three-quarters of a million people could fall off the rolls, according to the Department of Agriculture.

The proposal, however, would hit very poor Americans, researcher Karen Cunnyngham told a House subcommittee Wednesday. The average monthly income of this group is $557, or 43% of the poverty level.

Only 11% had jobs, but they didn't work enough to satisfy the proposed requirement, according to Cunnyngham, an associate director at Mathematica, a policy research firm.



  1. And it would have ZERO impact on deficit spending, the national debt, or availability of workers.

  2. It's time to plug the damn of excessive waste of taxpayers money

  3. EVERY county in America needs EBT ENFORCEMENT.

    1. 1 fish 2 fish don't want that.

    2. Mandatory drug test

  4. Great move make them work instead of all this work visas for illegals.

  5. Next - no more crabs, lobster, steak, and restaurants with food stamps!
    inexpensive proteins, veggies, and cook at home foods only!

  6. And so were supposed to give a damn? Screw them! I have to work in a chicken plant to feed my family, and I hate it.

  7. Well said 12:10. They are "play the system, career, mooching SLUGs that think they deserve reparations.

  8. Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. They have low income cause they dont work, refuse to work, want everything given to them. Get them off welfare and their income from work will triple.

  10. Over 2 million jobs in America are unfilled, we have a need for workers yet still have leaches on welfare. No work, no food, should be the law of the land! Even cripples can work, I see them so why not able bodied lazy trash?

  11. fine , but for God Sakes don't let the
    Senior Citizen starve to death , most
    can't work anymore anyway so hope they
    will consider eliminating them from this.

  12. many of these people have been raised by generations to think they are owed a living that doesn't involve work.

    They are scum dirt bag takers .

  13. Good. That’s the point. People should have to be on food stamps. Get. A. Job. Work. For. Your. Feed. Quit living off the system and stop having kids to up the ante. This country right now has more jobs than people looking for jobs. There’s no excuse to not have a job like back in the old Obama days. Sorry. You don’t need food stamps. You need to stop being fing lazy.

  14. This is just a warning shot.

  15. After the world wars if you didn't work your families didn't eat, it should apply today. Just like the pan handlers up on Rt 13 North especially the young girl who always wears a hat pulled down and trying to look pitiful, the only thing pitiful about her is she's lazy, won't work, and wouldn't take a job if one was offered to her. But she can make hundreds every day pulling on your heartstrings and making you think the Christian thing to do is supply her habit.


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