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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

More than 12,000 Boy Scout members were victims of sexual abuse, expert says

An expert who has been working with the Boy Scouts revealed that there may have been as many as 7,819 allegedly sexually abusive troop leaders and volunteers in the storied organization, according to newly released court documents.

More than 7,800 individuals allegedly abused 12,254 victims, according to the court testimony.

These figures were released Tuesday by attorney Jeff Anderson, whose firm regularly represents victims of sexual abuse and has been involved in numerous clerical sexual abuse cases.

The new testimony was entered into the court record as part of a January trial about child sex abuse at a Minnesota children's theater company.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: I never have trusted anyone who displays an inordinate amount of interest in someone else’s children. Most normal adults would avoid that situation.

  2. And this is the result of letting gays in, Just like I said would happen!!!!! I guess I am anti-every god damn thing since I use my brain and know the outcomes of this crap... according to you nut jobs who push for this LGBTQ crap...

  3. 1120-The files the BSA had on abuse were from 40-50 years ago.

  4. @ April 24, 2019 at 11:20 AM

    Did you actually READ the article? This abuse was documented from 1944 until 2016, I believe. This isn't because of Gays, this is because of Pedophiles, and an organization who protects them.

    Also, isn't the Boy Scouts inherently Christian? Like an oath and everything... atheists not allowed? So these good, righteous, moral Christians have been harboring and hiding child sexual abuse and pedophilia.

    Well, I think that wraps up my case.

  5. Watch the guy who's kids are older and out of scouts, and he's still hanging around cause he wants to help out. Yeah right.

  6. Just to put this in perspective in the 72 year time frame that this report covers BSA also awarded 2,266,648 boys with eagle scout and over 120,000,000 participated in scouting. This number includes incidents with volunteers many of which probably did not go through any vetting by BSA the way a troop leader would. CDC says 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted. If this figure is correct then think about how shockingly low the number of reported incidents is in the BSA.

  7. I was in scouting from Webelo to Explorer and never experienced anything inappropriate. A great institution that taught many skills including working as a team and RESPECT. Sad for the 12,254 victims but this is not a new problem.


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