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Monday, April 01, 2019

Mississippi Man Pleads Guilty To Hate Crime Hoax SPLC Used To Slam Trump

After the 2016 election, the Southern Poverty Law Center accepted every accusation of racism or sexism provided to it as evidence of America’s decline after electing President Donald Trump.

But even before the election, the discredited “anti-hate” group was sounding the alarm on any story that could be used against Trump before waiting for the actual details. On November 2, 2016, the SPLC’s “Hatewatch Staff” posted a story titled “Authorities Suspect Voter Intimidation in Burning, Vandalism of Mississippi Church.”

The article was about the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church being set on fire and the words “Vote Trump” spray-painted on the side of the building. SPLC also mentioned this incident in its massive list of alleged hate crimes following Trump’s election (the vast majority of which were allegations from people reaching out to SPLC without providing a shred of evidence for their claims).



  1. Question is: is he as well connected as Smollett?

  2. It's a red state, not the deep blue city of Chicago. Justice is more likely to prevail.

  3. Sets back race issues decades. The pot keeps stirred with this kind of thing and the cry for reparations. Even prominent blacks are outspoken on that subject as it is demeaning and non productive.


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