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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Mickey Dunn on Term Limits: Permanent Political Class Was ‘Never the Intention of the Founding Fathers’

Mickey Dunn, president and CEO of ML Industries and advocate for term limits and founder of TermLimitsTexas.com, said term limits on elected representatives in the Lone Star State will combat the entrenchment of the permanent political class. He offered his remarks on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

“No one wants change, especially those that have been elected and in office a long time,” stated Dunn. “So we started going down that path and formed Term Limits Texas to take back Texas and give it back to the people. What’s happened is that politicians have forgotten that they represent us. Right now, if you take a poll in Texas or the United States of America, over 80 percent of people say they want term limits. It doesn’t matter if you’re Democrat, a Republican, or an independent. Everyone wants term limits. At a time in this nation when no one agrees on anything, and you have 80 percent of the people saying they want term limits, why can’t we get this passed?”

Dunn added, “Currently, there are 15 states that have full-blown term limits. I think there are maybe 30 states with roughly some form of term limits. Particularly, Florida is a great example of term limits in how they’ve been able to thrive. The economy is phenomenal there. Just last week, I had the opportunity to speak with the new governor, Ron DeSantis. We spoke, and he told me that one of the greatest things Florida ever did was pass term limits, because it gives the opportunity for new blood, for new ideas, less complacency. You get people that want to come in and serve, and get the job done, and then move on.”



  1. It is way past time for term limits to be put into place. Maybe Trump can do an Executive Order on his way out. He should make it a campaign issue.

  2. Stop telling half-truths Mr Dunn.

    The Founders never intended for non-property owners to vote in the first place. Women served their husbands, so they also never voted (or owned property). Ditto for non-Jews and non-Freemasons.

    Thank you


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