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Sunday, April 07, 2019

Maryland Speaker Michael Busch's condition worsens; he is using a ventilator

Michael Busch, the longest-serving speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates, is on a ventilator and his health has worsened, his office announced Sunday.

Busch, an Annapolis Democrat, has been in the hospital receiving treatment for pneumonia, his third major health scare since 2017. In 2017, he went through a liver transplant and in 2018, he had heart bypass surgery.

“Yesterday, doctors at University of Maryland Medical Center made the determination that Speaker Busch's breathing had taken a significant turn for the worse and the Speaker made the decision to use a ventilator to help his breathing,” said Alex Hughes, Busch’s chief of staff. “Unfortunately, his condition has worsened over the past few hours. His family asks for privacy at this time and to keep the Speaker in your thoughts and prayers.”



  1. While I don't wish ill upon anyone, Mr. Busch could have had a wonderful retirement and enjoyed his family but he decided that clinging to political power was more important.

  2. Maryland could use a few more liberals with severe health issues. This one has a life's legacy of tyranny.

  3. I have never agreed with his political views and don't like the way he governed, BUT I do pray for his healing and more important his Salvation...

  4. The ventilator is using him. Let him go.

  5. oh so he made the decision to use a ventilator to help him breathe. What a sick evil spawn of the devil. He now burns in hell. He's a member of the party that will allow a living breathing abortion survivor to lay on a cold hard table crying until they die.


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