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Saturday, April 06, 2019

Marxist plan for the USA: Turn America into another USSR

America is being attacked from within by Marxists whose primary goal is to overthrow the government and replace it with an oppressive communist regime. To further that goal, the Marxist Obama administration planted communists throughout the government. All branches of government have been compromised by people who have no allegiance to the United States of America. They are not loyal to the United States or the American people. They are only loyal to their ideology, and their ideology is oppressive global Marxism..

Moreover, Congress has been infiltrated by socialists whose purpose is to stall, interfere, disrupt and create discord and gridlock in Congress. Their mission is to interfere with government and bring the system down so the Marxists behind them can gain more power. The socialist morons in Congress, useful idiots, are assisted by the Marxist media, whose job is to promote false and misleading communist propaganda, like the Russian Delusion scam, and to divert our attention away from the crimes of Marxists and their brainless morons in government.

Furthermore, Marxist within our government and the media have made a mockery of our Constitution and our rights under it. They turned sexual preference into gay rights and abortion into women’s rights. Everything they do is designed to undermine the Constitution, divide the population and promote godlessness. They pit men against women, homosexuals against heterosexuals, and blacks and latinos against whites. Divide and conquer is their preferred tactic. But make no mistake, Marxists want to control the lives of the masses, regardless of race, sex or sexual preference.


1 comment:

  1. The Commander and Chief has the power to stop this crap , this should be his 1st priority , even if it means temporary military rule .


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