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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Marine drags himself across finish line of Boston Marathon in honor of comrades who died next to him in combat

A Marine has gone viral after he dragged himself across the finish line at the Boston Marathon after both his legs "just gave up."
Here's what we know

Micah Herndon is a 31-year-old Marine veteran who served in Afghanistan. While he was deployed there, two Marines he was serving with and a British journalist were killed by an improvised explosive device. One of these men was his best friend, Matthew Ballard.

"Survivor's guilt, it's real," he told the Washington Post. "I definitely have it because I was the lead machine-gunner on that convoy and I didn't see that bomb that was buried. I live with that every day."

Herndon said that he wanted to run the marathon to honor their memories.



  1. I didn't take this story as the feel good story it's meant to be. Unfortunately, my first thought was, "all these 'civilians' just beat this guy physically."

  2. They are gone. They knew what they were getting into when they joined. Not to reduce the significance of their brave support to our Country. You lived and now you must stop beating yourself up. If you died you wouldn't want your buddy who lived to destroy his life too. That would only be giving in to the enemy. Please seek someone you can talk too. Make your buddy proud.


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