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Monday, April 08, 2019

Maine Republican pushes ban on non-citizen voting

A Maine Republican wants the state’s constitution to explicitly prohibit non-citizens from voting in local elections.

Rep. Nathan Wadsworth’s proposed constitutional amendment would state that only U.S. citizens could vote in municipal or local elections.

The proposal is set for a Monday hearing.

More here


  1. Won't pass but if it does, GOD help this man!!!!!!

  2. This should be an absolute no brainer.

  3. Tell me Again WHY this is even an Issue!!! A non-citizen should NEVER have the privilege to Vote in ANY Election...I don't care if it's for Dog Catcher.

    IF YOU were to go to another country and try to vote as a non-citizen; you would be STOPPED!!!

  4. Should also be a requirement that the voter lives in Maine too.
    I'm tired of all the out of state vehicles right around election time.
    Dumbocrats have made a science out of election fraud!

  5. Should be that way in every state.

  6. Try being a non citizen of Mexico caught voting!

  7. Hang for TREASON.


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