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Thursday, April 11, 2019

JUST IN: Greg Craig, ex-Obama White House counsel, indicted for alleged false statements

Greg Craig, former White House counsel for then-President Barack Obama, was indicted Thursday on two counts of making false and misleading statements to investigators -- including Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team -- in connection with his work on behalf of Russia-backed former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

Craig is the first prominent Democrat to be indicted in a case arising from Mueller's now-completed probe into Russian election interference. Mueller's prosecutors referred the Craig case to prosecutors in New York last year after uncovering possible wrongdoing while they investigated former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's Ukraine lobbying work.

The Washington-based lawyer was indicted by a grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia for allegedly falsifying and concealing “material facts” and making false statements both to Mueller and to the DOJ National Security Division's Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) Unit.



  1. I think it is funny. A out time Nancy got a taste of her own medicine. Oh I've gone off the rails.

  2. ND so it begins.tick tock Obama.

  3. Here comes the pain....

  4. So the worm turns.....

    Hey dumbocrat libtards. Your turn in the barrel is coming up.

  5. My my...who would have thought. Are they sure they want all the details brought out? I would think they would want the Mueller report to remain HEAVILY redacted....

  6. Does the U.S. have an extradition treaty with Kenya?

  7. He will commit suicide

    all who have anything on Obamee and Hillary will take

    drug overdoses,

    Fall out of windows,

    jump in front of trains ...


  8. Suicide a coming


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