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Friday, April 26, 2019

Is Z America's Final Generation?

Since World War II, each generation has contributed to the greatness of America, until recently. For those who espouse that America was never great, I will point you to the peak of our greatness: July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. We just made up our minds to win the space race and did it.

Our representative republic is now in jeopardy of collapse, or even on the brink of civil war. For strategic thinkers, the path to destruction is clear. We chose to repeat history instead of learning from it.

The G.I. Generation (1900–1924)

America declared war on Germany, and a war in Europe forever changed our society. Nationalism became our binding. The 18th amendment was passed making alcoholic products illegal. This spawned the beginning of decay in our moral fabric when it became acceptable to openly disobey the law. The Teapot Dome scandal became a national disgrace over improper leasing of naval oil reserves.

Europeans migrated to America, fleeing oppression and poverty. They legally entered the country and became citizens. They became Americans, forming the fabric of our culture. Hard work, family, and community were the priorities.

The Silent Generation (1925–1945)

The stock market crashed, spawning the great depression. The vast majority of Americans were reduced to survival mode. Prohibition was repealed but left a lasting legacy of laws being selectively applicable. World War II raged from 1939 to 1945, sending soldiers to fight in two theaters of war. Nationalism reached its summit as most citizens contributed to the war effort.



  1. Glad that I grew up and lived during the best times we will probably ever see. There will always be a U.S.A.,we just won't recognize it.

  2. Yeah, baby boomers sure did wonderful things... Not!


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