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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Five Americans Found Dead in Jail Cell

A previously deported illegal alien who was charged with murdering five Americans in 2016 was found dead in his jail cell this week, Missouri officials announced.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, 40-year-old Pablo Serrano-Vitorino, an illegal alien from Mexico, was accused and charged with murdering five American men in March 2016. Serrano-Vitorino, prosecutors allege, had gone on a murder spree with a rifle across Kansas and Missouri, shooting and killing five men in total.

Those men included:
  • 41-year-old Michael Capps
  • 29-year-old Austin Harter
  • 27-year-old Clint Harter
  • 36-year-old Jeremy Waters


  1. Oh, darn! Now we can't prosecute him and deport him...and wait for him to come back!
    Screw it, give the other prisoners time off for good behaviour!

  2. Millions of $$ saved.

  3. Oh man, the judge didn't have enough time to release him so he could run back across the border.


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