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Friday, April 05, 2019

Ilhan Omar Urges Release Of Jailed Muslim Brotherhood Leader, Report Says

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Somalia) advocated on Tuesday for releasing a senior member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (MB) — which is designated by several nations as a terrorist organization.

"I recently met with @jkbadawy and @thefreedomi to talk about Hoda Abdelmonem, a political prisoner in Egypt," Omar tweeted from her official Congressional Twitter account. "I hope that Trump brings up her case in his meeting with the regime that has imprisoned her. We must work to #FreeHoda."

Conservative Review's Jordan Schachtel reported that Hoda Abdelmonem is "a senior member in the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s women’s affiliate," adding that she "remains an influential figure and a senior leader in the Islamist outfit, and the campaign for her release has been a top priority item for Muslim Brotherhood-aligned individuals, groups, and governments."



  1. All I can say is WOW. Are we able to Inpeach Congress Members ?
    Think it's time to get rid of Two of Three forsure !


  2. How about we just join her with him
    Problem solved

  3. That a good idea 9:50 like I said her and a few other's.


  4. 9:50 AM It's not a "HE" they want released, It's a "SHE", Read the article !!!

  5. She should be jailed with him as a person that has committed treason toward the US.

  6. I hope they let her rot in jail where she belongs.

  7. Recall this Traitor.

  8. This women needs to be watched closely. This scum has infiltrated our highest offices. Lets Wake The F up.

    Rebellion and bloodshed is the only thing that is going to stop this.

    1. 4 Muslims in Congress next 8/16/32/64 watch .

  9. She was elected in a district that is mainly Muslim because Obama sent all of these poor immigrants there. Get ready for more as they keep pouring in. Record voter registration in Texas. Why is that???

  10. It's sickening yes! It's something I am whole heartedly against. Would I enjoy watching all the progressive liberals fall apart if that actually transpired @12:37 ABSOLUTELY


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