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Saturday, April 13, 2019

How You Can Be Certain That The US Charge Against Assange Is Fraudulent

Julian Assange sits in a jail cell today after being betrayed by the Ecuadorian government and his home country of Australia. A British judge named Michael Snow has found the WikiLeaks founder guilty of violating bail conditions, inserting himself into the annals of history by labeling Assange “a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interest.” So that tells you how much of a fair and impartial legal proceeding we can expect to see from the British judicial process on this matter.

But the real reason that Assange has been surrendered by the Ecuadorian government, imprisoned by the British government, and ignored by the Australian government is not directly related to any of those governments, but to that of the United States of America. An unsealed indictment from the Trump administration’s District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, accompanied by an extradition request, charges Assange with “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for agreeing to break a password to a classified U.S. government computer” during Chelsea Manning’s 2010 leak of government documents exposing US war crimes.

This charge is premised on a fraudulent and manipulative distortion of reality, and you may be one hundred percent certain of it. Let me explain.



  1. Seriously? Becuz evil Eric didn't prosecute??? Got to come up with better than that!

  2. Seriously? Becuz evil Eric didn't prosecute??? Got to come up with better than that!

  3. I don't understand. Trump claims the news is fake, yet goes this far to get Assange for publishing true information that implicates the same people who are railing against his Presidency in criminal activity. Maybe this is some brilliant manuver to get him into the US and questioned to get information to go after others. If not I am pretty disappointed by this. I'm sure there were Patiots doing the 1776 equivalent to gain the support for US revolution.

  4. Nothing will come of any of this. Wikileaks information sourcing is no different than those of so called " legitimate " journalistic media. Had Misfit Manning given this data to the Times or the Post someone would have a Pulitzer. The data Manning sat on and did not share is what got the pardon and the sex change.

  5. Clinton operatives have him now and well you know the rest of the story.


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