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Saturday, April 13, 2019

How do people watch this and not notice the lies?


  1. It's interesting how they know they are not telling the truth but open their pie holes anyway.

  2. I don't watch the lying fake news, but I do know they spout these lies daily.

  3. Do it they want them

  4. Diametrical opposites are part of the natural rhythm of things.If everyone was on the same page we'd all think the same.

  5. He and Rachel Madcow are the same - both dudes and both like dudes and both lie nightly. Whatever happened to reporting the news instead of making it up

  6. News is no longer facts it's spin. All of them. That's why I come here.

  7. Lying propaganda from liberal democrats. They repeat them over and over until others believe them. If people would do their homework they would see all the lies that are being spread about good people. The bottom line is that Trump and Pence are doing a good job turning this country around from nearly being destroyed by Obama and the liberals. People can see they are sore greedy losers.

  8. Please stop overestimating Lemons intellect.

  9. The hypocrite moron channel. They can’t see the forest because the trees are in the way.

  10. He's a bad actor, to boot.

  11. Don Lemmon and Rachel Madcow remind me of high school students auditioning for the drama club: their efforts seem forced and always over-theatrical.


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