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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Historic Depression-Era Mural Removed from Chicago School for Depicting Only White Children

A historic Depression-era mural has been removed from a Chicago school because it featured a painting of white children.

The painting, “Child and Sports–Winter,” was removed from the cafeteria at Percy Julian Middle School in Oak Park, Illinois, because the winter scene of children playing in the snow wasn’t “inclusive” enough as all the children in the painting were white, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The painting was produced in 1937 during the Great Depression by artist Ethel Spears who was a featured artist in President Franklin Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration (WPA).

Administrators at the school, named after Percy Julian, an African American scientist and inventor, insisted that the painting of white children upset the school’s majority black student population.



  1. Sooner or later, the local snowflakes will go after the Salisbury PO mural.


  2. They're rayciss.

    The mural had historical significance of some sort and it provided a daily teachable moment. It might have been that the area had seen a change in residential patterns since 1937 so that what was commonplace was now rare (white kids in the neighborhood and school). Or they could have taught about its dating to saint FDR and the programs he put in place. Or a myriad of other educational points.

    But it's clear the school is in the hands of uneducated rayciss (sp).

  3. Good. Put it in a museum where it'll be a)appreciated for what it is, and b) safe from the racist vandals that would eventually destroy it somehow, starting with throwing food at it.

    Next, the SJWs will be going after Norman Rockwell.

  4. F-them, it was a historical painting and the trouble making blacks just want to make a big deal out of nothing. Democrats no doubt.

  5. America is a White & Christian country , like it or Not !!!!

    They built it , fought & died for it , ain't giving it up ,

    GET USED TO IT !!!!

    They even let Affirmative Action laws pass , to Discriminate
    Against Themselves , yet noone else is Ever Satisfied !!!

  6. Can't erase history. You can try to hide it but if you do it is doomed to repeat.

  7. commies doing what they must destroy and rewrite history

  8. No one thought of just putting some Black-Face makeup on one of the white kids to be more inclusive? Won't happen in Virginia, our Governor leads by example.

    This is going to be fun come Halloween, all of the kids can follow his lead!


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