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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Governor Hogan Statement On Federal Environmental Executive Order

Governor Hogan Statement On Federal Environmental Executive OrderAction Jeopardizes Chesapeake Bay Restoration, Environmental Efforts
ANNAPOLIS, MD - Governor Larry Hogan, chairman of the Chesapeake Executive Council, released the following statement in response to the announcement of a federal executive order regarding energy infrastructure:
"This top-down order threatens to undermine good environmental stewardship. It could seriously jeopardize our historic Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts, including our regional partnership to reduce pollution and debris at the Conowingo Dam.
"From day one, our administration has worked with the federal government to ensure responsible environmental protections and safeguards when permitting dams, pipelines, and other infrastructure projects. State sovereignty should never be shortchanged under the guise of government streamlining.
“I will continue to fight to increase funding for the Chesapeake Bay and oppose attempts to erode states' rights under the federal Clean Water Act.”
Background on Hogan Administration Efforts
Since taking office, Governor Hogan has invested a record $5 billion toward wide-ranging Chesapeake Bay initiatives. These efforts are making a difference: the Chesapeake Bay is the healthiest it has been in recorded history. Governor Hogan has led the charge against the federal administration’s proposed cuts to Chesapeake Bay funding. In a letter to leaders of Congress, he pushed for an increase in federal funding for the Bay.
In April 2018, Maryland issued a comprehensive protection plan under the Clean Water Act to ensure water quality progress as the owner of the Conowingo Dam seeks a 46-year relicensing agreement. Revised federal rules and policies should not restrict the responsible use of tools governors can use under the Clean Water Act.
Since first running for governor in 2014, Governor Hogan has been vocal about the serious sediment build up at the Conowingo Dam. The Hogan administration (the Maryland Environmental Service and the Maryland Department of the Environment) awarded a $3 million pilot project to test the quality of sediment behind the Conowingo Dam and to dredge a portion of it to determine a possible reuse and market for the materials.
Governor Hogan is chairman of the Chesapeake Executive Council. The council consists of the governors of the six Chesapeake Bay watershed states, and the mayor of the District of Columbia.


  1. Hey Larry how about cutting all the illegals funding and sanctuary BS

  2. The Hogan Administration states" These efforts are making a difference: the Chesapeake Bay is the healthiest it has been in recorded history." If this is the case why give the Chesapeake Bay Foundation any more of our hard earned tax dollars so they can squander and distribute it to their cronies ?

  3. Hey 6:40 how about you realize there are bigger problems than illegals in Maryland. Peel your eyes from Nancy Drew for a few seconds and look around.

  4. @8:41 I think the illegals are the biggest problem or seems as though that's where the state and local government allocate most funding there sh** for brains

  5. They have to keep the bay a little dirty so they can keep the cash flowing.

  6. Don't worry, the 'cash' pipe will run dry due to the fact of the Governor running off at the mouth in regard to the Trump Presidency.
    I really can't see how they're crying about the cuts in funds when the Chief Dunderhead in Annapolis is spewing defamatory rhetoric about how he voted for his 'dad' and not endorsing Trump. If you don't think you pay a price for stupidity then watch and see how much money Maryland gets for the Bay. Stupidity by Hogan hurt everyone in the Bay watershed all for the sake of playing 'short' big man. He must think Trump doesn't listen to or read the news. If I've seen it he's seen it.
    Listen Folks, this is a good example of how valuable your vote is. When you pick, make sure its for and educated candidate who 'knows' when to keep his mouth shut.
    For the sake of pleasing Miller and Busch, the progress made to date was dashed on the rocks by a short guy's effort to be 'tall as the big boys.' While your at it, put Frosh in the mix with lawsuits against the Administration unending.
    Count your pennies close it'll be two years before you get anymore if not six!!

  7. Would not need as much from MD tax payers if Hogan would not allow a large % of the Foundations money go for salaries and expenses. Then add in PA and other States that their waterways empty into the Chesapeake Bay. A PA chrome plating company destroyed the Inner Harbor and a large portion of the Bay. When they were on the verge of being held accountable they closed up shop and moved back to PA. Those areas will take 100 years to come back around if then. What is Hogan doing to hold companies accountable?


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