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Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday Morning Funnies


  1. Love the 2nd one
    So true and gave me a good morning laugh
    Tipical liberal crap

  2. I'm laughing out loud at no. 2! Love it.

  3. Always enjoy the funnies. Now the latest is California is looking to pass legislation where students can not be punished for disrupting class or disrespecting teachers. Now that's funny...land of the moon bats.

  4. Yeah Paper straws always freak me out. First I find there is a weird taste to them but second I can't help but think of what that Recycled paper may have been in its previous life and now its sitting in my drink.

  5. The reason for #2 is that they are now making the big plastic cup out of Clear #1 PETE plastic, the same as soda bottles, making it recyclable everywhere. (Versus polystyrene foam or white plastic cups that weren't recyclable)

    Now, why they can't make the straw out of PETE plastic I have no idea. Or who's bright idea it was that straws are killing the environment. To me what you see everywhere are plastic grocery bags, if you were going to ban anything it would be them.

    1. It was an eight year old boy who began the crusade against plastic straws and the numbers were exaggerated

  6. Still free at WAWA

  7. @8:30 The problem with that wxcuses is now that China isn't buying our recyclables, they are piling up just like garbage. The US is now crying that it actually costs way to much to recycle! So please tell me how your PETE Plastic is helping now!


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