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Monday, April 01, 2019

Freshman Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Says Living in Trump’s America “It’s an Everyday Assault” …(Ilhan Came here from Sh*thole Somalia)

Rep. Ilhan Omar is anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-Whitey, anti-Trump and anti-America!

Ilhan Omar has attacked Mike Pence’s Christian faith and hurled anti-Semitic tropes at her Jewish colleagues.

Now this…
In a recent interview with Vogue Arabia Democrat Ilhan Omar said living in Trump’s America, “It’s an everyday assault.”



  1. Well go back home!

  2. Would a Christian have the same freedom to speak their minds in her home country of Somalia?

  3. Go the hell back where you came from, you don't belong in this country!!!

  4. She and the fellow freshman democrats are the worst thing to happen to the democrats and the best thing
    to happen to the republicans.

    1. Spot on, demoncrats wiping out their own party!


  5. She'd be a great candidate for ambassador to Somalia. One way ticket.

  6. deception and lies it is the way islam rolls..believe nothing that eminates from her mouth its all comprimised.

  7. Divorce your brother that your married to get your citizenship and go back to the sh&&&le where you can from!

  8. Just another ISIS Muslim Anarchist attempting to destroy America and the Democracy.

  9. If she is Somalian, how did she get into Congress?

  10. @6:15, They should read the Talmud so they can learn about Islam.

  11. I Love America, fly the American Flag every day, free to do what I want, when I want, and I sure as hell don't like this hateful, spiteful, muslim in Congress telling everyone that It's an Everyday Assault living in America. Go away, stay away, and spew your hate in Somalia - that's the damn country you should hate. There is absolutely no way this person should be in our Congress, no freaking way.


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