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Friday, April 26, 2019

Failure To Launch: Adult Children Living Off Their Parents Are Destroying Retirements

As young Americans drown in debt, growing numbers of parents have been footing the bill for their kids' car insurance, cell phone bills, health care costs and debt payments - often at the expense of their own retirement.

A new survey from Bankrate.com reveals that 50% of American parents say they have sacrificed or are sacrificing their own retirement savings in order to help their adult children financially.

The survey asked at what age Americans think people should start paying for their own bills. According to Bankrate, "Most of the results dovetailed the traditional mindset that 18 is the golden age of adulthood — except when it came to big-ticket items."



  1. and the parents doing that had little of a pot to piss in themselves

  2. Those junkies will drain their families of money quick... Along with jewelry and electronics.


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