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Monday, April 08, 2019

Drivers threatened with $250 fine for sleeping in car

New snooze-you-lose ordinance allows cops to conduct warrantless searches, seize vehicles

If you’re driving through Virginia, you don’t dare think about catching a few winks in your car if you get tired.

That’s the warning from the civil rights experts at the Rutherford Institute, who say a new Roanoke County ordinance allows police to do warrantless searches and seizures on vehicles and their drivers.

If they’re taking a nap.

The Roanoke County Code 13-14 “makes it illegal for people to sleep in their cars and subjects them to warrantless seizures and searches by police and a fine of $250,” Rutherford President John Whitehead explains.



  1. So, they would rather have sleepless drivers on the road with drunk-like symptoms.
    How stupid is this!?

  2. 11:19 It is exactly that, STUPID!!!! But you can;t fix stupid and most of the people who vote and live in these areas are clearly STUPID!!!!... I was just saying the same thing to a co-worker... Why in the hell do they always want to hurt the people trying to be safe and do the right thing???? They rather you be a danger on the roads being sleepy...

    This is also just another way to let corrupt pieces of shit sorry excuse for a human being cop to harass you, fine you or steal your stuff...

  3. Most are asleep at the wheel or on their phone. Do something about them. Fine people for having old junk cars and trucks and driving in the left lane. Local traffic had just gotten ridiculous. People putt putting along. Looking around trying to remember where they were going and how to get there. Forget the highways you take your life into your own hands in parking lots LOL. Good thing locals don't have to parallel park they can't handle backing out of parking spaces. They sit and wait for handicap spaces to free up blocking other traffic. Hey if you can climb in and out of a giant SUV or Monster truck you can waddle you fat behind a few more yards to get into the store. It might do you good before you stock up on the soda sale.

  4. Whatever happened to government telling us to pull over when sleep is overtaking us?
    This is another bait and switch law that gives unwarranted power to police to interfere with the public, making sleeping a probable cause.

  5. The state that brought you the two clowns at the top.

  6. I think this is a great law. Of course snowflakes will hate it.

  7. Find a super good lawyer...well versed in Constitutional Law and head to Virginia and unload that Counties Treasury!!
    These local 'Hicks' apparently didn't get the message the Supreme Court has ruled 'A person asleep in a vehicle doesn't constitute an infraction, nor is evidence of violation of the DWI or DUI statutes.'
    Furthermore, are they going to roust all of the truck drivers on the highway? Another hillbilly 'Fine Trap'??

  8. Seems it's all about money and less about safety.


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