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Friday, April 05, 2019

Donald Trump Still Planning to Nominate Herman Cain to Fed

President Donald Trump still plans to name Herman Cain to fill the last vacant seat on the Federal Reserve’s board.

Cain has been under consideration for the position for several months. Trump administration officials began shepherding him through the process and clearing the way with Republican senators in January, according to someone familiar with the matter.

Since Bloomberg first reported the Cain news in January, White House officials have also said that Trump will nominate Stephen Moore to the Federal Reserve board’s other open seat.

Trump is ready to name Cain but is waiting for the vetting process to be completed, Jonathan Swan of Axios reported Thursday.

Cain, 73, served as a director on the board of the Kansas City Fed from 1992-1996. He eventually rose to become chairman of the board. He had been a board member of the Omaha branch of the Kansas City Fed since 1989.



  1. But, but, but....Orange man bad. Orange man racist. Right?

  2. Herman Cain is a class act

  3. Good. He deserves something. He's a good man.


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