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Sunday, April 07, 2019

Distribution Of Racist Literature Investigated On Shore

(EASTON, MD) – Maryland State Police are investigating the distribution of racist literature found in a Talbot County community over the weekend.

On the morning of March 31, 2019, a resident of St. Michaels contacted the Easton Barrack and reported racist literature had been found distributed in driveways in the community. A trooper responded and his subsequent investigation found that the material had been left at residences predominately in the area of Riverview Terrace and Cove Road in St. Michaels.

The printed material indicates it is produced by the Ku Klux Klan. It espouses racist views toward African Americans, Jewish people, American Indians, and others. The material also solicits people to join the KKK. The flyers were found in clear plastic baggies. The bags also contained birdseed, which provides weight, enabling the package to be thrown into a driveway and remain there.

The trooper forwarded information from his investigation to the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center, the state’s fusion center, where local, state and federal authorities, including the FBI, were made aware of the incident. Information was also provided to the Eastern Shore Information Center, which is a local multi-jurisdictional task force of law enforcement agencies in the region.

This is being documented as a hate/bias incident as per the Maryland Public Safety Article Title 2-307. However, the investigation has not established evidence that a crime has been committed. Troopers and allied law enforcement agencies will continue to document incidents like this and investigate them thoroughly. If elements of a crime are found, immediate action will be taken in cooperation with the local state’s attorney’s office.

Any hate/bias incident, to include literature distributed in this way, should be reported to local law enforcement. In addition, the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center tips line is always available at 1-800-492-TIPS(8477), where citizens can report suspicious activity possibly related to terrorism or violent crime. The information will then be communicated to the appropriate local, state or federal law enforcement agency for follow-up.


  1. smollett's been in Talbot county looks like.

  2. Freedom of speech and thought and all that jazz.

  3. Question. Is the KKK illegal?

    NO! The WTF is the Maryland State Police investigating literature with KKK on it?

    I would prefer that the MSP investigate why Greg Bassett's Salisbury Independent and the weekly free Daily Rag is in my driveway every week!

    I'm not condoning anything with the KKK but this isn't a crime and it's not a police matter.

    Grow up you crybaby, butthurt LIBTARDS!!

  4. Probably put out by a Soros sponsored group that will put blame on kkk, WHITE nationalist. Just saying aka Racist leftist.

  5. 221 Freedom of speech does not allow you to necessarily solicit on my private prpoperty, especially when your goal is to support a terrorist organization. Perhaps you would welcome Al Queda flyers on your lawn.

  6. Just another sign of the rampant racism and bigotry here on the Eastern Shore. It's you neighbors, it's you friends, your friends friends, it's your coworkers, its your childs coach. The main this is, is that it's disgusting and it's wrong. What the hell is wrong with this part of the country?

    1. 3:12- First thing wrong is people like you who buy into that nonsense and then rant about it with the literary capability of a five year old.

  7. typical ignorant false flagsApril 2, 2019 at 3:15 PM

    Home Grown

    by local black kids

    to stir the pot

  8. Nobody even cares anymore!! Crying wolf too many times

  9. The sad thing is I would bet my left arm it's originating right here out of Salisbury's twisted city government following and any/all of its SU allies. Anyone that would dress up in cartoon characters as representatives of the gay and lesbian community wouldn't hesitate to continue to stir the pot. I'm saying look at the James "Yokihama" or whatever his name is and his racist wife.

    1. Don't leave Dan O'Hare's name out of it. He made a big big stink about the Confederate flag downtown and if I'm not mistaken spent alot of time up that way campaigning for a delegate seat

  10. @3:05 You might want to learn the definition of solicit.

  11. @3:05 Also after you have resorted to labeling something terrorism when that group has never terrorized me, come to think of neither has Al Qaeda, I can't take you seriously.

    To highlight how idiotic your point of view is if they preached white nationalism but labeled itself defenders of Israel what could you say then? Nothing, you'd have to admit you just hate the message, which goes back to you wanting freedom of speech for yourself and those you approve of and not for those you do not.

    You want to know who terrorizes people in Salisbury? Young black males and to a lesser extent the females. From the school to the streets.

  12. black panthers, blm black racist orginazations...so what they brought on the Revival
    look out @@#$%^^ the klan is getting bigger

  13. Blacks only f*** with those that show weakness and weakness. One thing they always steer clear of is a crazy ass white boy. Ad the infamous Richard Pryor said "some white boys don't play that shit" STAY IN YOUR LANES PEOPLE

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just another sign of the rampant racism and bigotry here on the Eastern Shore. It's you neighbors, it's you friends, your friends friends, it's your coworkers, its your childs coach. The main this is, is that it's disgusting and it's wrong. What the hell is wrong with this part of the country?

    April 2, 2019 at 3:12 PM

    Does Jussie Smollet ring a bell?


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