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Thursday, April 11, 2019


Democrats are in a full-blown panic after Attorney General William Barr confirmed that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential race.

Prominent Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer were furious over Barr’s remarks during a Senate hearing on Wednesday.

“He is the Attorney General of the United States, not the attorney general of Donald Trump,” Pelosi said, adding that he’s gone “off the rails.”



  1. He used a poor choice of words. Hopefully it was not intentional.

  2. Sorry, perfect choice of words. The tides have turned. Now it's the dims that are going to be investigated. Indictments coming. Special counsel coming. Dims are now scared sh--less. They are being caught in their own election meddling and illegal spying on a political opponent. Anyone old enough to remember Watergate, and what that was ALL about? They failed at the attempts to deny Trump the election, and they failed at the attempted coup after he was elected. They used our government institutions to go after a political opponent. Now there is a price to pay. Top dims, Obama's DOJ and FBI leaders, and Obama himself have quite a bit to worry about now. Obama can no longer claim any kind of "executive privilege" or immunity from prosecution, now that he is out of office. Like McDonald's...I'm loving it!

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 11, 2019 at 4:36 PM

    Nancy and Chucky are freaking out because they are about to be exposed along with other Crooked Rats. The Truth is about to come out and They Are Running Scared.

    1. Nothing can stop what is coming! MAGA, WWG1WGA!!

  4. Sometimes the truth hurts.....

  5. 2 years of fake news exposed as being fake. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    The worm has turned!

  6. Look out Hillary, Bill Chelsea and the Podesta Brothers.

  7. You are joking right 3:39? I know how much you people hate hearing the truth. You can try and spin it get to lying about it like you people do constantly but FACT IS it was SPYING and don't you dare ever forget it. Finally the TRUTH is coming out about Obama and his corruption. More proof in how you can take them out of the ghetto but you can never take the ghetto out of them. They are as dishonest and as immoral as the day is long.


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