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Thursday, April 18, 2019

De Blasio Threatens to Sue if Trump Sends Immigrants to Sanctuary City NYC

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to sue the Trump administration if it sends illegal immigrants to New York City, a “sanctuary city.”

“It’s illegal. It is just plain illegal. We will meet him in court. We will beat him in court,” de Blasio said, according to the New York Post.

President Trump on Monday tweeted, “Those Illegal Immigrants who can no longer be legally held (Congress must fix the laws and loopholes) will be, subject to Homeland Security, given to Sanctuary Cities and States”:



  1. Man these people are such fakes. When it comes time to $hit or get off the pot, they lose it.

  2. It's illegal? But entering our country illegally is legal? Dumbass!

  3. Now that is FUNNY. Ain't it great when de blah,blah,blahsio gets a shot across his bow?

  4. nyc, so very liberal.
    you wanted em?... you got em!

  5. Wasn't the same thing done with other immigrants during the Obama administration???
    Where was the uproar then!?!??

  6. And Trump wins again!

  7. He'd just be wasting more of the city's money to sue, and wasting the valuable time of the city's attorneys.

    In short, though, it's not illegal. It's been done many times in Upstate NY and in other states.

  8. Send in a MILLION to Times square.

  9. See what these liars democrats are. They talk a good game but when President Trump put their rank lying arses on the burner they completely changed their tunes. If democrats had any morals they would be ashamed. But since decent good honest people don't raise democrats they have no morals and are ashamed.

  10. Just another commucrat

  11. 10:50,spot on just can't figure out Democrat voters.

  12. He sounds stupid as usual. Sue for what? Something he ha always stood up for - illegal immigrants.

  13. Bring 'em on................BUT.........not in my backyard. The cry of NY, California and other sanctuary cities. Typical.


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