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Sunday, April 07, 2019

'Creepy' Biden Scrambles Into Damage Control Overdrive, Vows He'll Be "More Respectful"

Though he may soon have bigger problems to contend with, allegations of unwanted touching - including a story about him creepily approaching a woman from behind, smelling her hair, and kissing the back of her head - have sent Joe Biden's campaign-in-waiting into defcon-five damage control mode and sparked a conversation about whether he's fit to be a contender in the race for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

After his campaign initially blamed the scandal on "right wing troll", and his closest advisors have privately fumed about how rival Democratic contenders might have been behind two women who have recently spoken out about Biden - with suspicions lingering on Sen. Bernie Sanders - it appears Joe Biden has finally mustered that folksy charm that so appeals to white working class voters and finally responded to the allegations.

In a two-minute video published on Biden's twitter feed, the former vice president defended his actions as representing "just who I am" (note: that's probably not what these women wanted to hear), and acknowledged that times and attitudes have changed, and that he must now change with them. In the future, he pledged that he will be "more mindful and respectful" of other peoples' personal space.



  1. It was never appropriate behavior. Women just speak up now.

  2. He can run for President, but this disqualifies him for the Supreme Court.

  3. How come no one is commenting on his penis exposure to the women on his secret service detail? He repeatedly swam nude in a swimming pool and paraded around without a towel in front of many of the women he requested be on his detail.

  4. He should be fitted with proximity alarms, or a keeper with a leash to jerk when he gets too close.

    1. Look up the black and white picture of creepy Joe staring at a 7 yo chest ? In the 70/80s

  5. He is acknowledging that what he has done in the past is inappropriate....

    Soooo, let me see if I understand this...:

    Kamala (BJ) Harris had an affair with a married man to kickstart her career and she should be president...while Joe (Creepy) Biden, the former VP, having simply done extraordinarily creepy things should not be president...

    The dumbocrats have double standards for them selves as well!

    Meanwhile, I see both behaviours as disqualifiers!

  6. Obama did the same thing and has never been criticized.

  7. Imagine if Republicans got off with this kind of blow-off...

  8. Methinks Trump supporters should probably sit this one out

  9. I'd say anything to be the President!... Wouldn't you?

  10. Crazy ole Uncle Joe is a total PERV. Hey, come to think of it that alone might qualify him for President.

  11. this old white guy never supported this perv scoundrel. i would like to throat punch ole pervy joe.

  12. ALL politicians are compromised individuals.

    That is part of the definition of a politician:
    A compromised individual who does the bidding of those who are his / her blackmailers.

  13. He's done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. How come you never hear about none of this kind of stuff until they go to run for office, just saying. How about the one we have in there now.


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