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Friday, April 19, 2019

County takes steps to add to room tax

After voting unanimously last month to consider increasing room tax rates to 5 percent, the Worcester County Commissioners introduced legislation this week to set the wheels in motion, with a subsequent public hearing scheduled in late May.

Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan pitched the idea of increasing the room tax, which is imposed at the county level, from 4.5 percent to 5 percent during the commissioners meeting on March 19.

Although frequently, if erroneously, called a hotel room tax, the charge is applied to all room rentals, from hotel rooms to condominiums.

Kelly Shanahan, Worcester County’s assistant chief administrative officer, told the commissioners Tuesday that raising room tax rates involves two stages.



  1. Holy heck,
    Tram fares - up
    Parking - up
    Taxes - up

  2. Cut spending...not keep raising rates on all services.

  3. They also need to put a toll on crossing the bridge into Ocean City. A toll of $5.00 per car wouldn't be out of the question. It certainly would help cut down on the unnecessary traffic.

  4. Question: Is there a city tax, county tax, state tax, administrative tax, security deposit and (optional) insurance on OC beach rentals? Room tax? Economy must be good.

    1. Yes there is and it is high. If you win plan to dish about 500.00.

  5. OBX is looking good.

    1. Stay away. It is a family beach. Don't mess with it.

  6. Just the beginning. Wait till the minimum wage demands housekeepers get $15.00 an hour. Wonder how clean rooms will be, as you can't pay people to clean them at that rate and stay open.
    Will be a snowball effect, as one business after another closes from the minimum wage hikes and the county has no one left to tax.
    And people will have no job and won't pay taxes as the govt. will be supporting them.


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