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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cory Booker introduces Senate bill on slavery reparations

Sen. Cory Booker on Monday introduced a bill that would study the possibility of reparations for descendants of slaves, embracing a push that recently has caught the interest of fellow 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.

The senator from New Jersey said Monday that “this bill is a way of addressing head-on the persistence of racism, white supremacy, and implicit racial bias in our country. It will bring together the best minds to study the issue and propose solutions that will finally begin to right the economic scales of past harms and make sure we are a country where all dignity and humanity is affirmed.”

The measure is a Senate companion to a bill introduced in the House of Representatives in January by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, which if passed into law would set up a commission to study the impact of slavery and continued discrimination against black Americans and make recommendations on reparation proposals for the descendants of slaves. The legislation was first introduced 30 years ago by then-Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.




  1. Not with tax dollars, idiot.

  2. This is hilarious!! Some can't even go back one generation to prove their family trees!!

  3. We have more than paid these reparations 100 fold in Welfare and Food stamps over the years.

    1. Absolutely correct sir and the years of affirmative action

    2. Reparations were paid for by the blood of the patriots that died in the war that freed the slaves

  4. Mariam Webster's dictionary provides the following definition of reparations:
    Definition of reparation. 1a : a repairing or keeping in repair. b reparations plural : repairs. 2a : the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury. b : something done or given as amends or satisfaction.
    So, let's use the first definition and REPAIR the wrongdoing. If anyone can show lineage to a slave ancestor, they get the option of heading back to their ancestoral homeland - all expenses paid, only if after they deem that they have it so bad here. I would think that living in avarice is much better than the sh*thole they came from. Wouldn't that fit the definition?? After all, if America was so friggin' bad, why the need for a wall?
    Do Jewish Americans get reparations if they are descendants of the Holocaust victims??

  5. This is a crock of crap , 150 years later who gets the money ?

  6. Study it all you like. No one's likely to come up with anything that won't be a giant dollar sucking pit where some politicians make out like bandits and poor management allows for corruption and theft at every level. In the end it'll be another "Look at meeee" moment for Dem politicians, but very little else.

  7. They had eight years under Obama to create a reparations policy. If it didn't happen then, it won't happen now.

  8. Doing the peoples business. Fantastic representative

  9. They have no issues to run on so they’re pandering because they know they’re losing the black vote

  10. Make African countries pay. They're the ones that sold their own people into slavery

    1. Yup but they are trying to wipe that out of history.

  11. My heritage is from Ireland, England an France. If I believe some of my ancestors were taken as slaves by the Roman Empire or maybe the Vikings, who can I sue for some free dollars?

  12. Lincoln set up a country in west Africa call Liberia for Freed slaves and gave them a choice to return back to Africa with their own country or stay here.

    Many chose to stay here. Liberia was set up for this purpose. The former slaves made a choice, so they are owed nothing.

    They owe us for the many years of crime and property destruction that have been brought about by them following the years after slavery. If anything, they owe us, we don't owe them a thing!!!

    1. Lincoln didn't create Liberia. Monroe did. Hence the name Monrovia


  14. Vanderbilt inslaved us Irish were is my $$$$$$$

  15. Time for White People Reparations ,from the Blacks who
    have been Enjoying Affirmative Action = Reverse Discrimination , Plain & Simple

    And unlike Slavery , WE ALL were here & Alive to experience it !!!! FACT

    There were Many more White Slaves than Black Back in
    History >> Check it out , so Tired of hearing Slavery !!!!

  16. Corey is whiter than me and imI Irish.

  17. Lincoln's Biggest Mistake was to Not send all the slaves

    Back where they came from !!!!! Fact


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