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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Child Attack Suspect Had Previous Mall of America Arrests

A 5-year-old boy plummeted three floors Friday after being pushed or thrown from a balcony at the Mall of America, according to witnesses, and a 24-year-old man with a history of causing disturbances at the mall was in custody.

Bloomington Police Chief Jeffrey Potts said police don't think there is any relationship between the man and the family of the child, who suffered life-threatening injuries. He was being treated at a hospital, but no details on his condition were immediately available.

Witnesses told police that the child may have been pushed or thrown from the mall's third level to the first floor, Potts said. He said the suspect immediately took off running but was quickly found and arrested at the mall.

A witness said a woman screamed that her child was thrown from the balcony.

Brian Johnson told WCCO-TV the woman was screaming, "Everybody pray, everybody pray. Oh my God, my baby, someone threw him over the edge."



  1. The child’s name is Landan. Please lift him in prayer.

  2. He should be drawn and quartered in the mall parking lot.

  3. I have seen a few places where they are saying he is a Somali refugee. MSM won't report that though. If he is in fact a refugee we know who allowed him in. OBAMA!

  4. lock him up and throw away the key. pray for this child.

  5. I hope the inmates pay specSpe attention to him.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Om the demographics are overwhelming me. Remember, the government states that diversity is our strength. I somehow question that premise.

    1. Do we always have to know your northwest woodsman ??

  7. according to omar, i guess this would be somebody did something.

  8. Give me 5 min with this POS.


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