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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Chesapeake Bay’s Health At Risk After Trump Issues Executive Order Relaxing Clean Water Rules

CONOWINGO, Md. (WJZ) — Before the Susquehanna River enters the Chesapeake Bay, the Conowingo Dam churns electric power from it. It’s the kind of energy that falls under federal regulations.

With an executive order, President Trump is ordering states not to get in the way of energy infrastructure, by enforcing clean water rules.

According to Ben Grumbles, Maryland’s Secretary of the Environment, the order is a “short-sighted, top-down order that tries to create a false choice between energy production and environmental protection.”

The environmental protection from extremely heavy run-off, carrying millions of tons of sediment, which happened during last summer’s record rains.



  1. Absolutely ridiculous. What do we expect from an administration that puts an energy baron in charge of protecting the environment.

    1. You can blame the your self for crying Wolfe all these years - wasting taxpayers money. How long have you been trying to clean up the bay. I'd say forever. Never find a solution as long as the money keeps coming in. I think boaters who dump their trash in the ocean should be taxed instead of given a deduction for entertainment expensives on their taxes instead of taxpayers footing the bill.

  2. I am not surprised at all

  3. This falls perfectly in like with the conservative "not my problem" mentality

  4. Maybe, just maybe the two states can finally, after decades, get their acts together and do something about the Conowingo runoff. One might look at this as a motivator.

  5. All the sewage runoff from Baltimore and Salisbury Trump's fault too?

  6. Maryland believes Maryland tax payer is totally responsible for the health of the Chesapeake Bay. That is a false narrative. These other northern States that their rivers empty into the Susquehanna is not being held responsible. Everybody knows the Bay is / has been killed from the top down. That means the contamination is coming from the northern States. They put taxes for dumb stuff on the MD tax payer, so why is there not a tax put on these other states since their contamination is flowing into MD water ways and destroying the Bay plus jobs in the seafood industry. Marylanders need to smarten up and quit letting these MD Democrat leaders continue to screw us over.

  7. Maybe if we start calling it Unborn Baby Earth instead of Mother Earth, republicans will be more concerned with its well-being.

    1. Do you really think Dems care about Mother earth. It's a racket. They get a piece of the action on all environmental work.

  8. This is MAGA? Someone explain how this is MAGA?

  9. Not a big deal the Chesapeake bay foundation is a crooked money laundering operation enriching themselves and their cronies while indoctrinating young kids against watermen and businesses. The bay would be cleaner than distilled water if all the money over the past 50 years had actually been used to clean it!

  10. The only thing ridiculous are you people 9:54. You people talk out your butts totally clueless as to how the dam works. Let me school you and the other morons. First off it the dam wasn't there nothing would be trapping the pollutants. What's amazing is how many of you people think the dam makes the pollution. NO it is coming down from NY and PA. Are you understanding it yet? The responsibility for the pollutants the trash and the debris rests with those states. Now you have cuomo in NY who just like every other democrat alive is nothing but a liar and talks a good game but just like all democrats talks and never accomplishes anything positive. This dam provides over 50 percent of MD's renewable energy. Any costs related to this dam come out of MD residents pockets. The dam operators will pass it on to MD residents. That's is how it works in the REAL world. They don't pay-YOU do. If you think that is okay then you are a fool raised by fools who should have had abortions. Stupid parents spawn stupid spawn. The responsibility lies with NY and PA and NOT residents and tax p0ayers of MD, Now if YOU want to pay be our guest. Start a GoFundMe and be sure to contribute a lot of your own money or a regular basis. You won't though because all you people do is run your mouths about things you know nothing about proving just what an imbecile you truly are but NEVER offer solutions that will solve a problem long term. This because you people are brainwashed and can not think. You are moronic losers. Wastes of oxygen. You just repeat the propaganda rammed down your rank throats by the democrats.

    1. I would give your comment some thought but your constant insults gives it little meaning. Try again with your alleged knowledge and try to keep to the subject.

  11. "Anonymous said...

    This falls perfectly in like with the conservative "not my problem" mentality

    April 15, 2019 at 10:01 AM"

    Not at all. The conservative party believes in responsibility. Look up the definition since you people have no idea what it means. In this case it is the responsibility of the states of NY and PA and their democrat governors. It's you people who believe in the not my problem mentality and always without fail put the blame to an innocent party in this case MD residents and tax payers. And if you deny you are just getting to that lying all you democrats do all the time.

  12. 10:40 gets it. democrats won't though. they are pathetically ignorant and if their democrat masters and gatekeepers say something they being nothing but lowly ignorant slaves repeat it without fail. They have been so dumbed down the ability for them to think has been lost. That along with their bad upbringings allowing them to lie constantly they have no problem repeating nonsense. The only time they didn't lie was when they called themselves nasty. Nasty rank lying trash they all are.

  13. What does Maryland expect Pennsylvania to do? Dredge all of the current silt from the dam's approach and base, and then filter all of the water that comes that way forever? Get real. It would be cheaper (but still impossible) to filter the water after it comes over the dam, either in the three river miles in PA or downstream in MD, or both.

    1. How about PA stop putting s..t in the river for one thing

  14. 10:01 Wins the prize for the most Asinine Statement of the Day. 10:01 a bit of advice. " It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."
    It's NOT our problem. It is a problem CAUSED by run off coming from states north of here. People like you who have some kind of mental illness where you long so much to be someone else's whipping post need to step into action. Pay for it yourself as stated already. Feel free to pay more taxes. The state will gladly take them. The burden should not be on the MD tax payers. Go and call the dem governors of PA and NY and put pressure on them. It's their trash. They won't do anything though because their isn't a democrat alive (or dead) who has EVER done anything positive in their lives. The dem politicians and the a-holes from these environmental groups all democrats themselves never get anything accomplished with the Bay because not only are they stupid but not one has the guts to take on and tackle the problem. they would rather run their mouths and play the blame game. This because they are democrats a bunch of losers and liars.

  15. 11:08 You are right. Talk about a bunch of nothings. They don't want the Bay clean because then they wouldn't have a livelihood. None are capable of working real jobs. Remember years back when the democrat governor and state house raided the Bay fund. Not a word out of the clowns at that organization. They are not real environmentalists. They are losers whose only means to support themselves is sucking off other people.

  16. President Trump only cut into their partying money with all the non profits and environmentalists,who actually believes these people make a difference with the bay.

  17. Personal accountability.

  18. What is wrong with you people and the insults. If you feel strongly enough do something besides critize your neighbor. Amen

  19. 2:57-That's all they have.They don't have any answers so they criticize others.

  20. How clean does the Bay have to be to Boat around in ? I would not pay for and eat eat anything that came out of there. Forget Watermen let them get real jobs.

  21. Trump needs more money for his carbon footprint leading down to Mara- Largo


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