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Thursday, April 04, 2019

Chelsea Clinton will stop by the Curious Iguana to sign copies of her latest book

At the Curious Iguana’s next book signing, kids will get a chance to learn more about tigers, rhinos, and whales — and say hi to Chelsea Clinton.

The author and former first daughter is stopping in Frederick on April 9 to promote her newest children’s book, “Don’t Let Them Disappear.”

The illustrated text covers 12 different endangered species and the traits that make them special, from weighty blue whales to paw-washing sea otters.

Curious Iguana Owner Marlene England was thrilled when Clinton’s publicist emailed and asked if the store would host a signing, she said. Clinton is only expected to stop in two other bookstores across the United States, including Avid Bookshop in Atlanta and Women & Children First in Chicago. Earlier on April 9, she’s stopping by the Maryland Zoo for two scheduled readings at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Why
    She's done nothing in her life at all


  3. What possible interest should we have in Webb Hubble's daughter and her silver spoon life?

  4. what book? How to delete emails and get in college free?

  5. Good let her keeping writing books about animals and stay the hell out of politics. She's had a lot to say about how we should get rid of all the guns.

  6. Why would I do that? She is part of the Clinton Mafia. She money laundered through the Clinton Foundation and is just as big a crook as her Mother and Father.

  7. I'm going to go and spit in her face, since I self-identify as a llama on Tuesdays.

  8. Ok it sounds like a nice thing she's doing, but what would be better is to give all profits to protecting the species. After all her third of the Clinton Foundation will take care of her for 3 lifetimes, and the suggestion of staying out of politics is definitely "a good thing".


    Chelsea took credit for someone who wrote a book!

  10. Hi Chelsea, Have you repaid Haiti yet?


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