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Sunday, April 07, 2019

Catholic Mother Pleads For Young Women To Dress Modestly. Then She Gets Mocked.

Last Monday, a Catholic mother of four sons wrote a letter to The Observer, a student-run, daily print and online newspaper serving Notre Dame University, Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross, asking for women to consider not wearing leggings because they cling to the body and leave little to the imagination. Reaction to her plea for modesty was furious; on Wednesday, WBST reported:

"Around 1,300 students are participating [in] "The Leggings Protest" on Notre Dame's campus today. … The protest has two main objectives: for women and men to wear leggings in protest and to encourage conversations about female equality. PhD student Valeria Mora decided to discuss the letter with her class. She wanted her students to know that they can talk to her about issues like this. “The first thing I got was a huge gasp,” said Mora. “They were like ‘Yes! Yeah, I saw it too.’”

White started her letter by writing that she had hoped fashion would change, adding, “that doesn’t seem to be happening. I’m not trying to insult anyone or infringe upon anyone’s rights. I’m just a Catholic mother of four sons with a problem that only girls can solve: leggings.”

White recalled going to church with her family and witnessing “young women, all wearing very snug-fitting leggings and all wearing short-waisted tops (so that the lower body was uncovered except for the leggings). Some of them truly looked as though the leggings had been painted on them.”

She continued: “A world in which women continue to be depicted as 'babes' by movies, video games, music videos, etc. makes it hard on Catholic mothers to teach their sons that women are someone’s daughters and sisters. That women should be viewed first as people — and all people should be considered with respect.”

More here


  1. Nice arse! (couldn't resist)!

  2. I'm part of a growing movement "the He too" movement ,now that most females enjoy exposing most of their curves with the skin tight garb , we must embrace this "NOT!!!". All sluts without brains. Our movement does not recognize sluts and whores with this apparel .

    1. yeh right "the he too movement? more like "the tiny too" most men are attracted to women in tights.

  3. If you don't want the attention, don't dress the part. Dress can be cool and attractive.

    1. I posted at 6:05 and I must say, I agree with you!

  4. There's a wide range of wearers on the female side, from probably shouldn't to Oh-God-Please-No, with no real form of modesty in place.
    Men, on the other hand, can always cover their lumpier version of the female's camel toe with codpieces, which I hear are coming back in style after a 500 year absence.

  5. Having a college aged child, I understand what she is saying, but young adult women/teenagers believe that it's time MEN changed and not ogle or drool at them, because they should be able to dress as they please. Not saying I agree with my child but it's a subject that could definitely be discussed.

    1. Why do you let her buy those clothes, giver her money or even acknowledge her. We grew up differently. YOUR THE PARENT now act like one.

    2. Uhm she's 20 something and buys her own clothes!!!!

  6. Modesty is the best policy. People wonder why they are no longer respected. Poor choices in life will get you no where...

  7. A message for women. If you are not a prostitute, don't advertise.


  8. Tackling this argument is like setting your soapbox on quicksand.

    We all have a body; some are in better shape than others, and what is deemed attractive has shifted across the years (irony intended).

    Modesty from both genders is always in style but our society continues on a rapid descent in terms of what is being pushed by music, film, etc and what then becomes tolerated by those who lack standards or upbringing.

    Many girls and women wear leggings without an undergarment; nothing is left to the imagination. To advertise is to draw attention. If guys wore the same garments females would be equally interested.

    It's hypocritical to be advertising and then upset when the sought for attention is paid. And of course, the degree of upset is directly proportional to how attractive (looks, money, status) the attention payer is in the eyes of the advertiser!

    I'm just about ready to vote for anyone pledging to ban Spandex!

  9. If you want to dress like a sex object, why are you surprised when men treat you as a sex object?

  10. Mennonites are modest. Long skirts, sensible shoes, high necklines & bonnets. It’s a shame more college girls don’t dress like Mennonites

  11. Let's remember that we are here to create new life, otherwise humanity would die out. The women are the candy store to that end. No different than squirrels or ants.

  12. How about people wear what they want to wear, and leave the shaming at home.

    I like all shapes and sizes... and I like seeing beautiful women.

    No one is shaming me for seeing a beautiful sunrise and admiring it, or seeing a beautiful painting and admiring it... why should there be shaming for admiring beautiful people? It's absurd.

    And, we aren't just objects. Why can't we be smart, witty, interesting AND beautiful? Just because I recognize you as attractive doesn't mean I have removed your other attributes.

    Live and let live...

  13. The squirrels are back in the atic.. your father says it's personal this time!
    This lady is crazy!!
    I'm on my knees PLEADING NOT TO ABOLISH these things!!!

  14. These garments definitely get my attention when worn by an attractive girl but please do not squeeze a lumpy caboose into leggings.

  15. Agree with 9:41. I don't mind see someone who can play (wear) the part. Fat women please buy a mirror. Another generation that is also disgusting when wearing leggings - old women without a butt. Fashion today has been kind to old women. You can buy beautiful tops that cover up your love lost of butt. That too can be disgusting if you ate fat. As far as you prople in leggings there is a test and a place. Church, family parties are not one. Would some one (ladies perferred) buy a dress? What's wrong with a sexy dress. God help us

  16. A woman's underwear covers more and is more modest that what they wear to the beach in public. Go figure! They would be embarrassed to be seen in public in their underwear, but not in a bikini. Even when I was young, I didn't get it. Yet these same women think a man in a speedo is gross.


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