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Friday, April 12, 2019

Biden, who once accused Jeb Bush of denying blacks the vote, tells him: ‘You were a hell of a governor’

Former Vice President Joe Biden complimented 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Thursday despite campaigning against him 17 years ago and accusing him of suppressing minority votes.

"You were a hell of a governor," Biden, a 2020 Democratic hopeful, said to the former Florida governor, who was first elected in 1998 and reelected four years later.

Bush, 66, and Biden, 76, who has been teasing a 2020 presidential run for months, appeared at a University of Pennsylvania forum to discuss the opioid epidemic. Biden's praise for Republicans has already got him in trouble once this spring. He felt he had to apologize for describing Vice President Mike Pence as "a decent guy."



  1. Joe & Jeb.

    Since defeated governor candidate Abrams rejected running as Biden's VP candidate he's having to look further afield. Ergo, Jeb. Next in line for a compliment is probably Kasich. And he'll be checking the prospect of various other retreads. Carter could be a choice since he only served one term.

  2. Why isn't anyone exposing the other son and his legal troubles, and sleeping with his dying brothers wife?

    1. 10:23 I wouldn't vote for slow joe if you paid me, but the other son is not running for the presidency and should not even be a factor in the campaign

  3. Jeb and mitt will run.

  4. You know, it's such a shame that you have to have a lot of money to run for anything in America. There are so many more honest and smart than rich people who would serve our country well but never even get looked at or considered. What a real shame.

  5. Biden has a severe case of Alzheimers and is a creep, he and his surviving son dating his deceased son Beau's wife! He also if you check out all his history will come to the knowledge he never had an original idea, he floated following others.


  6. 10:34 You don't get it.

    Joe maneuvered on behalf of his sons. One signed up to be JAG in military to get a military credential and became Delaware AG riding his family name. He's the one who died. And his widow chose to get involved with her brother-in-law who was married and has kids.

    The younger brother, who abandoned his wife and kids for his widowed sister-in-law, while Joe and Dr. Jill approved, is the one Joe did the most finagling for. Got him a big job with MBNA, got him on the board of a gas/natural resources operation in the Ukraine, and got him a special approval Navy Reserve Officer commission so he'd have a military credential to help pad his future. Of course the 'kid' couldn't stay away from cocaine long enough to pass one of the random drug tests on a Reserve weekend so he was drummed out of the service.

    Biden's daughter has also had drug use problems.

    His kids are well into adulthood and their actions reflect on the parenting Slow Joe and Dr. Jill provided. Definitely open for discussion if Creepy Joe runs.

  7. I heard that Delaware was damn glad when he left.


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