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Friday, April 26, 2019

Biden 'Totally' Asked Obama Not To Endorse 2020 Run -- Though Michael Avenatti Is On Board

Former vice president and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden says he asked former former President Obama not to endorse him - as whoever wins should do so on their own merits.

When asked why Obama hasn't supported his decision to run in 2020, Biden said:

"I asked President Obama not to endorse, and he doesn't wanna -- he should -- whoever wins this nomination should win it on their own merits."

Of course, maybe Obama was turned off by "Classic Joe Biden" and his totally not staged interactions with fellow regular people.



  1. Obama had no intention of endorsing whitey Biden. Biden is trying to save face.

    What a dumb ass!!!

  2. Oh now the Biden. Did you see, my audience, it is true. Yes, as I forsaw years ago. Did you see? The rise of the Clinton's, Bushes? Ah, you "see" with your own Mind's Eyes! Some have postulated that they (you know who) will stop at nothing! Soros ! Is Hillary a clone, some ask? Why did Obama (Kenyan) hide his ''True'' identity? There are many malfeasance s occurring, listeners!!

    1. 8:09- I am not your "listener or your "audience", Narcacist. I don't care what you saw with you mind's eye years ago Are you mental!?


  3. Let's just label this claim by Slow Joe as what it is. A fable. He's putting the best spin possible on the fact that his boss for 8 years won't speak out on his behalf when it would be to Creepy's advantage to get the endorsement. Not an auspicious start!

  4. Biden’s already a 2 time loser in the Presidential race & 3’s a charm for the DuPont puppet of Delaware.

  5. I call Bull Shit ! Obama wouldn't endorse him because he is an embarrassment and way to F-ing old to be dog catcher !

  6. Let’s put all 20 of these losers on a stage and call it a debate

  7. Biden is 'totally' inept...


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