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Sunday, April 28, 2019

BBQ truck in Northern Kentucky in hot water over 'LGBTQ' shirt

GRANT COUNTY, Ky. (WLKY) —A barbecue food truck in Northern Kentucky is getting heat for its new merchandise.

Belle's Smokin' Barbecue in Grant County received immediate backlash following a social media post.

The shirt reads, "I support LGBTQ --Liberty, Guns, Bible, Trump and BBQ."



  1. Since when did LGBT own the alphabet? These people are NUTS!

  2. Sounds like a great shirt to sell at the next White Marlin Open. Tell them good folks in Kentucky to make the trip to West OC! Joe, what do ya say?

  3. Sissy, strange, whack, and weird. Add "no sense of humor" to the list.
    That shirt is probably go to sell out now....

  4. I don't remember LGBT having a patent on those letters! I think this is awesome, this man is a genius!!!

  5. And he should be. Kinda hard to say you support "Trump" AND "Bible" without committing without adding "hypocrisy" to the bottom of that shirt.

    1. 3:52 not hard for me to say that pal

  6. I will be buying one as well!!!!!! Fund raiser to help this guy out?????

  7. Think of the positive smile you would put on peoples faces having a bad day. If you can have the smallest thing brighten some ones day go for it. Just a smile, or good job, God Loves You, I care. In short make some ones day it may brighten theirs but it also makes you feel good. Spread happiness in a world with so much turmoil, try to do a good thing for a stranger every day.

  8. Funny these nitwits will hate someone for a T shirt but perverse, abhorrent behavior that’s statistically proven to be unhealthy and downright dangerous is Ok.

  9. I'm guessing 5:32 is one of the letters....

  10. 3:52--
    He's closer to the bible than the former WH occupant & those surrounding him. I'm pretty sure the Bible would burst into flames if some of them got too close, LOL! The last perfect man died on the cross & arose on Easter Sunday. As the meme w/President Trump's photo says, God didn't pick a perfect man, he chose the man perfect for the job!

  11. I like my shirt it says, "I support AIDS, it is Gods answer to LGBTQ"!

  12. Can someone please tell me what in the hell Q means. I am not sure I want to lay with someone of the same sex. I am confused about what I am. I want to cut my hair in a crew cut flatten my breast to hide them and have a bikers chain going to my wallet. (Questioning that is crazy they are now considered a class of people.) I don't know if I am a pervert. It is still listed as a mental illness by Johns Hopkins. Enough said. One more thing all this bs about transgender people being murdered. The fact is over 70% where active prostitutes. That line of work ends badly no matter how you identify. So stop pandering and state the facts. Houston Texas recently had multiple trans murdered. LGBTQ marched made a huge deal. What no one told us was they were selling themselves as women. Do give a man a hot dog when he ordered a burger.


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