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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

African Migrants At Texas Border Monitored For Ebola: Official

A Laredo, Texas public health official said that 20 migrants from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) were monitored for Ebola and other diseases

We have 8 Congolese right now in one of our shelters and a dozen in Nuevo Laredo," said Dr. Hector Gonzalez during an April 4 meeting of the Laredo City Council. Gonzales is the director of the Laredo Health department, according to Breitbart.

"For them, my concern was Ebola," said Gonzalez, who added "But, we're on alert to check that."

The current Ebola outbreak in the DRC is the second deadliest in history, with 772 dead out of 1,220 confirmed cases since the outbreak was declared on Aug. 1, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Of the latest fatalities, 24 people died in their communities and 18 died at Ebola treatment centers.

That said, WHO on Friday announced that the current outbreak does not yet constitute a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)."

Doctors without Borders and at least one Red Cross official disagree.



  1. Great. Send illegal immigrants to Pelsoi's district. And some to Waters, AOC, Omar districts.

  2. Fake news: there's no crisis at the border.

  3. Every horrible desease, germ, plague, virous and other crap has always come out of Africa.

  4. 12:16 including their defective people!

  5. Well you have to consider that if Africa is in fact the cradle of civilization many of us are descendants of stronger more adventurous stock that migrated out and populated and created modern civilizations on earth. Ironic that we went back there and enslaved our former selves even more ironic that it's still a primitive continent with simple superstitions and corrupt tribal politics. Even among our own we see these ancient traits quarreling over beliefs and tribal leaders and factions. You would think by now we'd be truly modern humans but we are equally as primitive. Just lighter skinned. LOL.


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