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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Abortion Reversal Hotline Seeing More Calls Since Pro-Life ‘Unplanned’ Movie Released

An abortion reversal hotline has witnessed an increasing number of calls from women wanting to reverse their abortions since the pro-life film Unplanned was released in late March.

The Options Line, which is run by Heartbeat International's Abortion Pill Rescue Network and offers guidance for women trying to reverse chemical abortions, has seen a 30 percent increase in calls, according to Catholic News Agency.

"We do believe that [the sudden surge] was attributed to Unplanned, specifically," Andrea Trudden, director of communications and marketing for Heartbeat International, said.

Trudden said calls have come from women seeking to reverse their abortions, and from others wanting to learn about abortion pill reversal.

More here


  1. Well that's like turning back time.
    Why not just have acted responsibly to begin with ?

  2. I am in no way an advocate for abortions but it is not my place to decide for other people nor is it the place of the government. If you think it is against God's will let them sort it out with God. In the meantime, there are plenty of orphans and fosters that could use your unflinching support for life.

  3. Reversing chemical abortions?! Sounds like a recipe for horrific birth defects and disabilities.

  4. We learn responsibility a little at a time. Sometimes it takes a few times to make it stick.


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