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Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Viewer Writes........Follow up To Water Bottles

Joe found this on a website. Since I haven't received calls from Wicomico Board of Ed and Wicomico Middle School.

On 2.2.19 they must have found traces of lead, it says "out of service further investigation and bottles water supplied" but kids can't bring in water bottles

Original post can be found HERE 


  1. Now think about it. How often did YOU ever drink from a fountain when you were in school ? If these kids were not so dry mouthed on so many psyche meds for ADHD spectral autism and other little precious snowflake malaise it would not be an issue now would it. A pint of milk at lunch is all the hydration they need for their oh so difficult day.

    1. You idiot - water is essential, period. As for your comments on adhd and autism, you clearly know nothing about either condition, current treatments, or medications. Why do t you do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut.

  2. If your kids thirsty get a drink from a water fountain. Why do they need water bottles.

  3. Let me think about this a minute. The school system does routine testing of it's potable water system. The school system then takes corrective action if something is found wrong. Is there a problem with that?


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