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Tuesday, April 02, 2019

A Viewer Asks: Homicide in Cambridge?


Have you heard anything about a homicide in Cambridge on Leonard’s Lane? There’s been reports of crime scene tape around a house and the crime scene van with multiple police at the scene. Nothing in the news but the people would like to know if someone is still at large...I figured I would reach out to someone who actually reports real news and keeps the people up to date with the actual facts and truth!!

Publishers Notes: We have not been contacted by the authorities as of yet. 


  1. A female named Kim was murdered, boyfriend/husband questioned. Not a suspect for now...

  2. Another botched raid maybe??? Like the one in Houston Texas where cops lied on an affidavit????

  3. Really 3:52? Mature much!

  4. If there are answers to be had Joe will have them first before the news media.


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