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Saturday, April 06, 2019

A recent report from Kaiser Health News raises serious concerns about the spread of “medieval diseases” that are resurging in some parts of the US.

A recent report from Kaiser Health News raises serious concerns about the spread of “medieval diseases” that are resurging in some parts of the US

“Infectious diseases - some that ravaged populations in the Middle Ages - are resurging in California and around the country, and are hitting homeless populations especially hard,” the report explains.
Los Angeles recently experienced an outbreak of typhus — a disease spread by infected fleas on rats and other animals — in downtown streets. Officials briefly closed part of City Hall after reporting that rodents had invaded the building.

People in Washington state have been infected with Shigella bacteria, which is spread through feces and causes the diarrheal disease shigellosis, as well as Bartonella quintana, which spreads through body lice and causes trench fever.

Hepatitis A, also spread primarily through feces, infected more than 1,000 people in Southern California in the past two years. The disease also has erupted in New Mexico, Ohio and Kentucky, primarily among people who are homeless or use drugs. (source)



  1. Crime, theft of government provided services, murder, and now infectious diseases.

    What else do the dumbocrats want to do to this country by allowing all the illegal third world trash into this country.

  2. The more illegals enter the US the more diseases are coming back. Is a coincidence? No I don't believe in coincidences. Also the more homeless the same occurs. A shame the US will not take care of their own, homeless but takes care of the illegals and even give them everything, housing, utilities, food including money. Sad state in the US

  3. The Plague of the Unclean.

  4. When more people crap in the streets, more crap-borne diseases are spread.

  5. Baltimore will be next. But Mayur Pugh's $500,000.00 children's books called Heathy Holly will save them...…..


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