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Thursday, April 11, 2019

3 Cheers for Betsy DeVos

Logging on to the website of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union, the first flashing headline that meets the eye attacks Education Secretary Betsy DeVos: “Betsy DeVos and Her No Good, Very Bad Record on Public Education.”

What perturbs the NEA is that DeVos sees her mission as education, which is not necessarily only “public education.”

Surely, Secretary DeVos’ new initiative, the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act, which has been introduced in the Senate by Sen. Ted Cruz and in the House by Rep. Bradley Byrne, has the teachers unions on edge.

Education Freedom Scholarships provides dollar-for-dollar federal tax credits to those who voluntarily contribute to state-controlled and administered “Scholarship Granting Organizations” to whom parents can turn for funds to send their child to any school of their choice.



  1. As a former public educator (quit NEA and teaching altogether) at one of Salisbury's finest mad houses, I wholeheartedly endorse DeVos!!!

    1. So your a quitter? Typical liberal teacher boys.

    2. 738 comment

      teaching today....is similar to working in Maximum Prison

      I dont blame them for getting out of teaching...

  2. Spend a week in one of those schools and you'll understand.

  3. Agree with 9:07 and 9:12. I am not an educator but the teachers and the boards, in my opinion, have totally lost control. Some kids today have no concept of respect or authority and are assured that they will be able to survive by hook or crook when they finally turn 18 and can chuck education. The old saying still applies; you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

  4. Don't worry about it 7:21, there's some moron living in his mommy's basement, that likes to get on here and insult people without knowing anything about them.

    1. It's ok. Those people are morons and failures in life!

  5. This program is a thinly veiled way to get public money flowing into Religious private schools. Public money absolutely should not be going to the religious indoctrination of children.

    Religious schools are backed by Churches that are TAX FREE to begin with.

    What a horrible idea.

    To do so, you would be taking money from where it is desperately needed the most... poor and underfunded inner city schools.

    Those who have means all ready send their kids to private school.

    This is the exact opposite of Robin Hood. It is stealing from the poor to give to the rich.


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